
Class Body, Hand, Face, Eye

  • Presentation


    The UC aims to extend the more visual expression (of the human body and its in-corporealities) to a personalist understanding of its intervention in the world (its own and others', including the natural and artificial), an intervention that implies action, alteration, change and, sometimes, re-creation (of the body, face, eye and hand as major extensions of human interiority as an interface of Nature and World).

    This creation, re-creation or creativity through the complete experience of the Self and the Other is understood by phenomenologists (from Husserl in his processes of intersubjectivity to the neo-personalists and neo-structuralists) as an aesthetic, attentive, ascensional and descensional process: it is done through a reception (more or less contemplative, more or less active and performative) of the categories of alterity and identity.

    The UC aims to expose the Body, Face, Eye and Hand as spaces of intersubjective interiority (contrary to a dimensional or univocal vision)

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The phenomenological structure of Interpersonal Communication Body, Face, Eye, Hand in its complexity. Cognitive foundations of sensoriality, rationality and human intentionality: feeling, understanding, wanting (or not). Limits of personal exposure, three-dimensionality: contrasts between emotions and affections, consciousness/unconsciousness, language, body, word, image. The corporal phenomenology as a structure of access to the person.

    2. The Neuronal Structure Body, Face, Eye, Hand. Mythological matrix in the figure of the hero / anti-hero: permanence and influence. Limits of the non-verbal. Religious matrix as voluntarist and transcendentalist cognitive transmission. Fundamentalisms and voids: limits of the verbal- Critical-scientific, relativistic and technological matrix; Horizons of Western Culture. Models and epistemological contrast

    3. The phenomenology of personal intimacy in the Body, Face, Eye and Hand. Readings by Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Bergson, Lévinas and Bubber

  • Objectives


    The objectives of the CU:

    1. to identify (aesthetically) the phenomenological presentation of the person as body, face, eye, hand

    2. understand (critically) that the phenomenology of the visual corresponds to an empirical phenomenology

    3. to deepen, in the human phenomenon based in the body, that empirical experiences are neuronal experiences

    4. to expose the intense relationship between the person (artist) and corporeality (including the corporeality of Nature and the World, alternate and alternative interfaces) as a phenomenon that reveals the Self.

    5. define corporeality as a phenomenological revelation that the artistic process captures (or unveils) in a particular way.

    In order to achieve these topics, we invest in a theoretical basis of philosophical materials of the phenomenological school in its main authors (Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Bergson, Lévinas and Bubber). They all have in common the apology of (aesthetic) intentionality as a free and autonomous process, sometimes epiphanic.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Students will answer a Class Question after each session.
    This question (challenge, question, statement, hypothesis) aims to understand and evaluate your spontaneous reception of the UC material
    It will only be placed after the thematic exhibition of the day, debate on the same and critical or exchange space.
    If there are 14 sessions (as expected), the 100% of the UC Final Grade is divided into 14 percentages (ie 14 Lesson Questions, individual texts written by the Students in the last 20 minutes of each session).

  • References


    Qualquer uma das obras dos autores directamente visados no programa (a saber: Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Bergson, Lévinas e Bubber) poderão ser convocadas na linha das temáticas Corpo, Face, Olho e Mão. Contudo, como a avaliação dos alunos depende do modelo role-play (que inclui as suas próprias pesquisas bibliográficas e consequente seleção autónoma de textos de autor), a bibliografia principal da UC é fluida, dinâmica e constrói-se progressivamente. 

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