
Class History of Journalism and Public Opinion

  • Presentation


    This Curricular Unit develops from a historical vision articulating the relationship between journalism and the modern and contemporary Western political project. Students will develop sufficient (diachronic) knowledge about the genesis and evolution of modern journalism and public opinion that today and shortly, affect and determine, in a democratic context, the exercise, freedom, and vitality of journalism. The contents are considered to be closely linked to the objectives of the study cycle.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The Age of Equalitarianism and the Emergence of the Mass Press

    2. Journalism as an Anglo-American Product

    3. Journalism in the Portuguese Context

    3.1. The origins of the Portuguese press

    3.2. Censorship, Estado Novo, and resistance

    4. Contemporary Challenges: Cyberjournalism

    5. The social construction of public opinion

    5. Public Opinion and Public Space

    6. Public Opinion and Election Campaigns

    7. Public Opinion Measurement Instruments

    8. The spiral of silence

    9. Media effect models.

    10. The attention market. 

  • Objectives


    From a historical perspective, we will observe the relationship between journalism and the modern Western political project, as well as the links with Anglophone culture and economic domination. Starting from an analysis of the Portuguese press history, the students should understand the current trends and risks; likewise, the look at cyberjournalism aims to update and broaden the perspective on what is considered journalism and what possible directions it has taken. The passages through the sociology of public opinion make it possible to understand the diversity of approaches and to update knowledge on the subject.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The use of the Moodle platform for discussions and sharing of materials and comments on the taught content.

    The administration of open-book exams allows students to focus on critical reflection.

  • References


    Bastos, H. (2015). Das utopias à realidade: Um olhar sobre duas décadas de ciberjornalismo. Estudos de Jornalismo, (4), 9¿18.

    Sousa, J. P., Baptista, C., Matos, A.C., Cabrera, A., & Lima, H. (2017). Uma História da Imprensa Lusófona¿Vol. II: MediaXXI.

    Jeanneney, J.-N. (1996). Uma historia da comunicação social.: Terramar.

    Pizarroso Quintero, A., & Aguilera, C. (1996). História da imprensa. Planeta Editora.

    Schudson, M. (1981). Discovering The News: A Social History Of American Newspapers: Basic Books.

    Fidalgo, J., Pinto, M. (2003). Sociologia dos Media: Porto Editora.

    Webster, J. (2014). The Marketplace of attention. London: MIT Press

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