
Class Drawing and Illustration

  • Presentation


    In this UC, Illustration is taken in an expanded sense, being strongly based on research, debate, and a continuous experimentation in articulation with various disciplines of design/ arts/ visual and popular culture, resulting in less traditional formats and objects. Illustration, visual narratives and Drawing are in this curricular unit a laboratory for questioning social and political phenomena as also communicating points of view regarding these.

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    Glosa as illustration: the text that comments the text.  

    Social/ political implications of illustration: discussing and working on racial representations in dialogue with ONG, in the context of graphic project.


    Building and discussing visual sequences/ narratives in multiple contexts.


    Explore the nature and culture dialectics, human and non human, subject and object, fact and fiction, from a speculative and transitional point of view.

    Underline the porosity and permeability of active and action-research pedagogies on the relationship between the past and the present, focusing on traditional crafts fundamental to the community experience and to certain rituals.


  • Objectives


    . Promote the engagement of students in current social matters through illustration as a practice that interrogates, investigates, dialogues, debates and acts;

    . Expose students to a wide range of illustration approaches and encourage them to explore them extensively;

    . Explore Illustration as an expressive resource of Communication Design;

    . Experiment different ways of conceiving, making and applying visual sequences and/or narratives in an educational and interactive context;

    . Promote the development of theoretical-practical approaches to illustration that question the traditions of the field, bringing references from other areas such as design, arts, cinema, new media, psychology, philosophy, history, post-colonial studies, among others).

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Development of a project in dialogue with external institutions, allowing students to reflect and act in certain social and/or artistic contexts.

  • References



    .Fanon, F. (2017 [1952]). Pele Negras, Máscaras Brancas. Letra Livre.

    .Gannon, R.l; Fauchon, M. (2020). Illustration Research Methods. 

    .Berry, A. et al. (2022). The Black Experience in Design. Identity, Expression & Reflection.  Alworth Press.

    .Karasik, P., Newgarden, M., (2017). How to read Nancy: The elements of comics in three easy panels. Fantagraphics Books.

    .Khandwala, A. (2020). Decolonizing Design Means Many Things to Many People- Four Practitioners Discuss Decolonizing Design.  AIGA Eye on Design. Disponível em:

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