
Class Design Technologies II

  • Presentation


    Interface and Interaction aims to explore the analog and digital worlds in order to provide students with the fundamentals of space, body, objects, movement, sound, etc. in order to transform the perception of place, of being and of relating to the built environment. These topics are addressed and put into practice using both analog and digital interfaces in order to generate human-space/human-environment/human-built interaction. Interface and Interaction takes advantage of all the learning and technical and technological literacy gained over the previous 5 semesters and gives the Student the possibility to solidify this learning in a real context.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • Context and analysis of Interface Typologies; Context and analysis of Interface Systems; Augmented Reality: contextualization;
    • Virtual Reality: contextualization;
    • Interface related to the Software;
    • Interface: variants and applicability;
    • interactions;
    • Human-Environment/Human-Machine Interactions; Types of Interactions;
    • Sound, vibration and frequencies;
    • Colors, lights and contrasts;
    • Images, patterns and sequences; Gestures, movement and rhythm;
    • From the screen to the space-environment; Space Typologies;
    • Man-Space Relationship;
    • Projections and typologies;
    • Projections and constraints;
    • Videomapping: context, variants, applicability, constraints, structures and systems; Videomapping TouchDesigner Software;
    • Visual experiences;
    • Videomapping and projection project;


  • Objectives


    This Curricular Unit Interface and Interaction aims to develop students' understanding of the different types of interfaces and their variants, such as: sound, vibrations and frequencies, colors, patterns, images, gestures and movements. Also, augmented reality, virtual reality and cyber spaces. The main objective of this Curricular Unit is to gain technical skills and aptitudes in the TouchDesigner Software from the developer Derivate and also Adobe After Effects Software, as support, for the applicability of these interfaces in the construction of videomapping projections for bi and three-dimensional environments.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Learner-centred Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is proposed which involves groups of learners working together to solve a real-world problem. Students are encouraged to understand concepts through problem-solving skills. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills related to teamwork, project management, oral and written communication, self-awareness and evaluation of group processes, critical thinking and analysis, explanation of concepts, self-directed learning, application of course content to real-world examples, research and information literacy, and problem solving across disciplines.

  • References


    • MANIELLO, Donato. Augmented Reality in public spaces. Basic Techniques for video mapping. USA: Le Penseur, 2015.
    • BLOKDYK, Gerardus. Projection mapping A Complete Guide. USA. 5StarCooks, 2018.
    • OLYSZEWSKI, Alex. Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre. Amazon Ebook. 2019.
    • WOLPAW, Jonathan. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles and Practice. Amazon Ebook. 2017.


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