
Class Artificial Intelligence

  • Presentation


    This module is an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence, with three main focus areas. First, the formalisation of what a machine is, both in terms of the symbol manipulation of the Turing machine, and in the McCulloch and Pitts machines that work with interconnection patterns between nodes in neural networks. Second, the concept of rational agent in AI, that emerges the intersection with the Cognitive Sciences, and the various implementations of comprehensive structured search algorithms (informed and not informed). Still within this focus area, the concept of stochastic search and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) are also introduced. Finally, in the third area of focus, students learn some notions and uses of some of the more advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that are used today.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Basic Concepts
      1. Definitions of AI
      2. Turing Machine
      3. McCulloch and Pitts Neural Networks
      4. How to Analyze Machines? State Transition Diagrams
    2. Search
      1. The Concept of a Search Agent in AI
      2. Spaces and Search Graphs
      3. Uninformed Search: British Museum, DFS, BFS
      4. Informed Search: Dijkstra and A*
      5. Adversarial Search
    3. Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    4. Basic Notions of Recommendation Systems
    5. The Future of AI
      1. Critical Analysis of Recent Articles in AI
  • Objectives


    The learning objectives of this course include (1) a deep understanding of the conceptual aspects that give rise to AI, namely the formalization of the concept of universal computing through symbol manipulation, and neural network-based computing; (2) the methods and representations used to study the functioning of any machine; (3) the design and implementation of rational agents and the concept of "information processing"; (4) classical algorithms of uninformed search: British Museum, DFS and BFS; (5) informed search: Dijkstra and A*; (6) the formalization and resolution of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP); (7) basic knowledge of advanced artificial intelligence techniques in the domains of machine learning and data science; and (8) knowledge about the uses of artificial intelligence in society including aspects related to ethics and the future of AI.

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