
Class Fundamentals of Law

  • Presentation


    The Introduction to Law subject plays an essential role in the framework of the Business Management
    student, as it allows them to have contact with the role and purposes of Law in the organization and
    functioning of society and the importance of the rights and duties of every citizen to ensure the fulfillment
    of individuals in freedom, harmony and justice. By acquiring basic legal knowledge, students are able to
    pursue their studies in economic and business sciences in a coherent and solid manner.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Object and purposes of Law.
    2. Justice and fundamental rights
    3. Law and the social sciences
    4. The sources of law. The process of making laws and the hierarchy of laws
    5. The legal norm. Notion, structure and classifications
    6. Coactive protection and legal sanctions
    7. The interpretation and application of Law
    8. The branches of Law
    9. The Legal Relation. Notion, elements, subjects, legal capacity.
    10. The systems of Law

  • Objectives


    The understanding of the importance of legal norms and the goals that Law aims to achieve in modern
    societies. Understanding of the issue of legislative production and the application of laws by the Courts.
    The ability to understand the differences between the systems of Law. The competency to interpret any
    norm or regulation. The command the legislative procedure, hierarchy and enforcement of laws. The
    ability to frame factual situations of daily life within legal rules. Knowledge of the rights and duties of
    people and of organizations inherent to life in society. The ability to handle and apply legislation.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Oral and textual presentation of the syllabus topics coupled with participation and debates of the topics
    presented. Presentation of individual and group assignments. Resolution of practical cases. Written test
    of continuous evaluation. Continuous evaluation results from the weighting of three criteria: Class
    participation and performance (10%); Assignments and cases presented during the classes (10 %); A
    written test (70%). Attendance is a premise of continuous evaluation. The student must attend, at least,
    75% of the classes. If the student does not have a minimum grade of 10 points, the alternative will be the
    final exam.

  • References


    SOUSA, omingos Pereira de. Introdução ao Direito. Lisboa: Quid Juris. 2017
    - SILVA, Germano Marques da. Introdução ao Estudo do Direito. Lisboa: Univ. Católica Editora. 2009
    - BURROWS, A. & FELDMAN, D. Oxford Principles of English Law. English Private Law and English
    Public Law.Oxford University Press. 2017
    Legislação fundamental:
    - Constituição da República Portuguesa
    - Código Civil Português


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