
Class Learning Psychology

  • Presentation


    The UC Learning Psychology in the cycle of studies Educational Sciences-Social Education has as a field of action to foster reflection on the theories and individual and social learning processes, allowing the student to apply the knowledge acquired in Social Education. In the same line of enrichment and understanding of learning theories, the student can reflect on himself as a future social educator and lifelong learning being.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Introduction
    1. The concept of Learning
    2. The Human Being: A Learning Machine
    3. Learning how to learn: Focused and diffuse mode.
    II. Behavioural Learning Processes
    1. Operant vs Classical Conditioning
    2. Operant Conditioning in B.F. Skinner: Reinforcement, extinction, punishment, and reinforcement
    III. Cognitive Learning Processes
    1. Information Processing: Attention and Memory. Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve
    2. Assimilation and Accommodation in J. Piaget
    3. Meaningful learning and cognitive maps in D. Ausubel
    4. The concept of structure in J. Bruner
    IV. Social cognitive Learning Processes
    1. Theory of Social Learning in A. Bandura
    2. Modelling and Observational Learning. Imitation.
    3. The concept of Self-efficacy.
    V. Motivation and Learning Processes
    1. Social cognitive theory and motivation to learn. Triadic reciprocal model.

  • Objectives


     I. Acquire knowledge in learning theories and paradigms;

    II. Acquire knowledge about behavioural, cognitive and sociocognitive learning processes;

    III. Acquire knowledge about the motivational mechanisms that interfere in learning;

    IV. Develop the ability to critically analyse learning theories and processes and their practical implications in Social Education;

    V. To promote reflection on the contributions of learning theories in Social Education.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes: Exposure of academic contents, interrogative method, debate of ideas, practical dialectic-feedback-review, demonstrative approach using audio visual resources (videos), group discussions, abstracts, construction of conceptual maps, deconstruction of scientific articles.


    Evaluation modality: (i) Attendance and participation implies 75% presences (10%); (ii) Continuous evaluation: abstracts, construction of conceptual maps and deconstruction of scientific articles (40%); (iii) Final evaluation: written work with oral presentation and defence (50%). The time of appeal consists of practical work with a weighting of 100% in the final note, which will focus on all theoretical and practical contents.

  • References


    Azevedo, M. (1997). A Teoria Cognitiva Social de Albert Bandura.

    Cook, D.A. and Artino, A.R., Jr (2016), Motivation to learn: an overview of contemporary theories. Medical Education, 50, 997-1014.

    Ferreira, H. C (2003). A teoria piagetiana da equilibração e as suas consequências educacionais. Estudos do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.

    Joyce-Moniz, L. (2002). A Modificação do Comportamento: Teoria e prática da psicoterapia e psicopedagogia comportamentais. Livros Horizonte.

    Moreira, M. A. (2010). Mapas conceituais e aprendizagem significativa. Centauro.

    Pedro, A. (2015). Motivação intrínseca no processo de ensino/aprendizagem (pp.18-39).

    Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (6th ed.). Pearson Education Inc.

    Sprinthall, N.A . & Sprinthall, R.C. (1993). Psicologia Educacional (Cap. 9 e 11). McGraw-Hill.

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