
Class History of Education

  • Presentation


    The UC is structured in the search for contributions and relationships between history, education and the practice of socio-educational intervention of educators. It is intended to create a space for reflection/training in the field of history of education, its continuities and discontinuities, in different chronological times and contexts, with emphasis on Contemporary Portugal. It also allows to raise awareness of the relevance and meaning of the history of education for the challenges of the 21st century, under the political, social, economic, cultural and educational aspects, in the Portuguese and global context. It is expected that the activities will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes conducive to critical reflection, creative search for solutions and good practices of educators, in respect for principles of ethics and deontology.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I - The relevance and meaning of the history of education

    1. The relevance and meaning of the history of education today and in the training and practice of educators

    2. Research in the history of education - concepts, methodology and sources


    II - Education and School in Contemporary Portugal

    1. The genesis of the traditional school model

    2. The pedagogical thought of the eighteenth century

    3. The monarchical liberalism of the nineteenth century and the new educational ideology

    4. The century. XX and the educational ideology of the 1st Portuguese Republic 5. The educational policy of the New State 6. The educational policies after April 25, 1974 8. The accession of Portugal to EC/EU and educational policies of European democratic Portugal

  • Objectives


    • Reflect on the relevance and meaning of the History of Education, in the training and practice of educators in the XXI century
    • Analyze facts and issues related to pedagogical thought in different chronological periods, worldwide and in Portugal Know the main features of the conceptions or educational policies of the chronological periods of Contemporary Portugal
    • Relate the pedagogical proposals and educational realities, with the dynamics of society Manage research sources to understand historical events that shape education, in social, political, economic, and cultural contexts, in different chronological periods of Contemporary Portugal
    • Use methodologies, techniques, and concepts of research in the history of education
    • Research skills, analysis and synthesis of information of a historical nature, autonomous work, cooperation, and interaction in the group, contextualizing it in time and space of the chronological periods under study
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology aims at the investigation, reflection, and participation of students in activities, individually and in groups, with moments of exposure, questioning, and debate, complemented by autonomous work to deepen the content. Classes are of theoretical and theoretical-practical nature, with the use of resources (digital, iconographic sources, press, pedagogical materials, etc.), stimulating a reflective academic practice. Learning evaluation is continuous and formative, obeying the defined reference framework and the evidence collected during and at the end of the course, according to the student's level of achievement and the proposed goals. It focuses on learning processes and results, resulting from student participation and contributions, individual and group presentations, written and oral, of thematic works, using complementary research, and the final presentation, written and oral, of an individual synthesis work, built during the semester.

  • References


    • Candeias, A. (2005). Modernidade, educação, criação de riqueza e legitimação política nos séculos XIX e XX em Portugal. Análise Social, XL (176), 477-498
    • Cortesão, L. (2000). Escola, Sociedade que relação? Afrontamento
    • Mónica, F. (1977). Deve-se ensinar o povo a ler? a questão do analfabetismo (1926-39), Análise Social, XIII (50), 2, 321-353
    • Nóvoa, A. & Bandeira, F. (2005). Evidentemente. Histórias da Educação. ASA.
    • Nóvoa, A. (1988). A República e a Escola, das intenções generosas ao desengano das realidades. Rev. Portuguesa de Educação, 1(3), 29-60
    • Nóvoa, A. (s/d). A «Educação Nacional» (1930-1974): Análise Histórica e Historiográfica.
    • Teodoro, A. (2001). A construção política da educação. Estado, mudança social e políticas educativas no Portugal contemporâneo. Afrontamento
    • UNESCO (2022). Reimaginar nossos futuros juntos. Um novo contrato social para a educação. Relatório Comissão Internacional sobre os Futuros da Educação. UNESCO.
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