
Class Circuit Analysis

  • Presentation


    This is the first circuit analysis discipline. Thus, it intends to provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of circuit analysis, which enable the analysis and assessment of behavior and design of simple electrical and electronic circuits. It also approaches several techniques and theorems for the analysis of LCR circuits, with constant or alternating currents. Moreover it introduces operational amplifiers and simple magnetic circuits.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Voltage, current, resistance, energy and power. Potential difference, independent and dependent sources of voltage and current.
    2. Resistive circuits. Ohm's Law. Resistive association. Transforming Fonts. Laws of Kirchhoff. The Overlap Theorem. Theorems of Thévenin and Norton. Maximum Power Transfer. Mesh and nodal analysis. Circuits w / AmpOps.
    3. Capacity of a capacitor and stored energy. Inductance of a Coil and stored energy. Capacitors and Coils their characteristics and association. RC, RL and RLC circuits.
    4. Analysis of linear circuits in sinusoidal steady state. Analysis in the Complex Plane. Fasores. Impedance and Reactance. Amplitude and phase ratios in resistors, coils and capacitors. Dissipated and reactive power, Power Factor. Admittances.
    5. Mutual inductance. Linear and ideal transformer
    6. Frequency domain circuit analysis. Zeros and Poles. Bode diagrams. Resonance.
  • Objectives


    - Provide the fundamental valences associated to the knowledge of the electrical quantities involved in the circuit theory / study of active and passive linear devices.
    - Use methods / analysis techniques to evaluate the behavior of electric circuits
    - Designing simple electrical and electronic circuits

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Supply of a set of study material, in digital form, namely, slides and exercices. Use of simulation software.

  • References


    J. David Irwin, Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7rd Ed., Wiley, 2002 ou J. David Irwin, Análise
    Básica de Circuitos para Engenharia, Nova Guanabara (versão Brasileira).
    Meireles, Vítor, "Circuitos Eléctricos", Lidel; 2003.
    O'Malley; John, Análise de Circuitos, Schaum McGraw-Hill

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