
Class Pscyhopathology I

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit allows to make a first approach to the main clinical symptons of emotional suffering. It allows to make the differences between normal emotions and symptons of main psychopathological disorders. It promotes the acquisition of knowledge of symptons that interfered with normal day to day functioning. 


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. History of psychopathology: distinction between normal and pathological

    1.1. The supernatural, biological and psychological traditions
    1.2. The present: the scientific method and the integrative approach
    1.3. Psychopathology Conceptions

    2. Descriptive Psychopathology. Disorders of:

    2.1. Consciousness, attention; orientation; memory; perception; speech and language; thought; self; humor, emotion, impulsivity and aggressive behaviors; motor skills and insight.

    3. Assessment and diagnosis

    3.1. DSM-5 e ICD 11

    3.2. Description (classification, diagnosis, etiology, epidemiology, comorbidity, differential diagnosis) of the most frequent mental disorders (e.g. depressives, anxiety).

  • Objectives


    In this curricular unit, students become familiar with the concepts of normality and psychopathology in an integrative view of mental illness. Emphasis is placed on basic knowledge of descriptive psychopathology that allows an understanding of mental disorders. From a categorical perspective, the clinical criteria of psychopathology (DSM-5-TR and ICD-11) are presented, including the main criticisms and limits pointed out to the current diagnostic manuals. Students at the end of the UC are expected to be able to:

    LO1 - Reflect critically on the evolution of the concepts of mental pathology, contextualizing it in the historical cultural dimension;

    LO2 - Recognize the different perspectives about the normal and the pathological (e.g. quantitative and qualitative)

    LO3 - Identify the main signs and symptoms of various psychopathological conditions

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    There are different teaching methodologies used in this Curricular Unit. The teaching methodology for the theoretical classes is expositive supported by the use of slides. Interrogative teaching methodologies are used to promote student participation, namely through dialogue and debate among students. The active methodology is reflected in the development of application exercises, enabling the acquisition of basic knowledge inherent to the UC through viewing documentaries, reading articles and roleplay. The hybrid methodology is present in the use of Moodle for the distribution of materials, as well as the promotion of online research tasks that constitute activities in which technology is used in the acquisition of knowledge. Tutoring activities are also planned for carrying out the work for evaluation.

  • References


    • American Psychiatric Association (2022). Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Fifth edition. Text revison - DSM-5-TR. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
    • World Health Organization (2022). International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems (11th rev.). World Health Organization
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