
Class Epistemology of Social and Human Sciences

  • Presentation


    This Curricular Unit involves general epistemology as well as the epistemology of science and of the social sciences in particular. Its main aim is to challenge students to reflect on the validity of the scientific paradigms and approaches of science, so that they become able both to choose scientifically valid approaches in research and to make choices informed by scientific validity in their future practice in the field of psychology.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Epistemological currents, questions, and definitions

    1.1. Definition and types of knowledge

    1.2. Epistemology from Antiquity to Modern Age


    2. Logic and structure of scientific knowledge

    2.1. Epistemological Rupture and Epistemological Obstacle (Bachelard)

    2.2. The structure of science (Kuhn)

    2.3. The limits of the formalization of scientific language (Wittgenstein)


    3. The epistemology of the social sciences

    3.1. Quarrel of the Method (Dilthey)

    3.2. Overcoming the Quarrel of the Method: the communicational paradigm (Habermas)

    3.3. Sociological Mediation (Weber, Merton, Bourdieu)

    3.4. The Laboratory (Latour, Knorr-Cetina)

  • Objectives


    LO1: identify the tension between scientific knowledge and common sense

    LO2: understand the historical evolution of epistemology in its relation to Faith, Reason, and Science

    LO3: apply theory to the construction of knowledge

    LO4: analyse the main epistemological positions of science in general and the social sciences and humanities in particular

    LO5: develop the ability to critically evaluate the validity of paradigms and approaches in the social sciences

    LO5: evaluate the practical challenges to epistemological validity in the sciences today

    LO6: develop discussion and writting skills centered on the contemporary debate of science

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical course, of expositive nature but that encourages the debate of ideas in class. All contents are published on moodle at the beginning of the semester to allow continuous learning.

  • References


    Bourdieu, P. 2003 [1997], Usos Sociais da Ciência: por uma sociologia clínica do campo científico. São Paulo: UNESP (cota: S/789-BC)

    Foucault, M. 1966. As palavras e as coisas: uma arqueologia das ciências humanas. Lisboa: Portugália. (conta: L/103-BC)

    Habermas, J. (1993 [1968]). Técnica e Ciência como Ideologia. Lisboa Edições 70 (cota: F/163-BC)

    Kuhn, T. (2012 [1962]) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press (HC/97-BC)

    Knorr-Cetina, K. (1999), Epistemic Cultures. How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Cambridge & London: Harvard University Press

    Weber, M. (2002 [1918]), A Ciência como Profissão. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas (cota: F/19-ER)


    nota: cotas da biblioteca Vítor de Sá

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