
Class Models of Human Behavior

  • Presentation


    This UC's mission is for students to acquire introductory knowledge of psychology on fundamental models of human behaviour, namely behavioural approaches. These models will be studied and deepened in disciplines and later study cycles. This is an essential UC in the 1st cycle of training in Psychology, as it promotes the acquisition and consolidation of theoretical and research content, which form the basis of intervention models in various areas of Psychology, namely Cognitive Psychology, Personality, Clinical and Educational.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Biopsychological approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

    Behavioural approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

     - Pavlov's classical conditioning.

    - Skinner's operant conditioning.

    - Bandura's social learning theory.

    - Tolman's cognitive behaviourism.

    Psychodynamic approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

    - Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

    - Non-Freudian psychodynamic theories.

    Humanist approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

    - Rogers Theory.

    - Maslow's Theory.

    - Positive Psychology

    Cognitive approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

    - Information processing models.

    Socioconstructionist approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

    - Systemic and pragmatic theories of human communication

    Evolutionary approach: assumptions, methods, contributions and limitations.

  • Objectives


    In this curricular unit, it is intended to introduce students to the seven main contemporary theoretical approaches to human behaviour: biopsychological, behavioural, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, socioconstructionist and evolutionary. At the end of the semester, students should be able to: • differentiate the different approaches in the study of human behaviour; • know the specific assumptions and contributions of each approach; • identify the methods used within each approach; • recognise the limitations of each approach; • know the main theories developed within each approach.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Diverse teaching methodologies are used, including the expository method and critical discussion. The presentation of theoretical content is articulated with practical activities in class that allow the application of knowledge to examples, through videos or case studies on specific aspects of everyday life and human behaviour. In addition, tutoring activities are planned for carrying out the students' assessment work.

  • References


    Burr, V. (2015). Social constructionism (3.ª ed.). Hove: Routledge.

    Eysenck, M. W., & Brysbaert, M. (2018). Fundamentals of cognition (3.ª ed.). Oxon: Routledge.

    Glassman, W. E., & Hadad, M. (2013). Approaches to psychology (6.ª ed.). Berkshire: McGraw-Hill.

    Jarvis, M. (2000). Theoretical approaches in psychology. Londres: Routledge.

    Ormrod, J. E. (2016). Human learning. Boston: Pearson.

    Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2014). Introduction to biopsychology (9.ª ed.). Harlow: Pearson.

    Wallach, L., & Wallach, M. A. (2013). Seven views of mind. Nova Iorque: Psychology Press.

    Workman, L., & Reader, W. (2014). Evolutionary psychology: An introduction (3.ª ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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