
Class Neuropsychology

  • Presentation


    This CU intends to explore the neuronal foundations of normative and pathological behavior.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. History of neuroscience
    2. Objectives and methods in neuropsychology
    3. Definition of concepts in neuropsychology
    4. Brain organization
    4.1. Evolutionary aspects and ontogenesis
    4.2. Functional neuroanatomy
    5. Main cortical functions
    5.1. Hemispheric specialisation and laterality
    6. Techniques to explore neuronal function
    6.1. Electrophysiological techniques vs. neuroimaging techniques
    7. Neuropathology
    8. Major neuropsychological syndromes
    9. Brain development and neuroplasticity
    10. Frontal lobes: cognition, social behaviour and personality


  • Objectives


    This unit curricular offers to students knowledge on the links brain functioning and human behaviour. The specific learning objectives are: a) to acknowledge the key concepts for understanding brain functioning in terms of main brain areas; b) identify the main techniques used to study the brain and brain functions; c) understand how brain development promotes the acquisition of new abilities, as brain lesions impact on existing neuropsychological functions; d) understand the importance of frontal lobes to human behaviour. At the end, the students should be able to identify the major cortical brain structures; relate to cognitive processes which determine human behaviour; identify the neuropsychological consequences of acquired brain lesions; and critically analysing the literature in the area, specifically at the intersection between biology and psychology.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies are expository and demonstrative. The classes (theoretical-practical typology) use the expository method and are conducted with the presentation of illustrative 3D animations. Theoretical contents are complemented by practical exercises and discussion on clinical cases, scientific search using digital databases and along with critical analysis of scientific papers, and the use of the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology for the demonstration of electrophysiological processes.
    The continuous evaluation includes: written test (50%) on the programmatic contents; group work report of activities carried out in class (25%), with oral presentation (25%). The final exam focuses on the contents of the theoretical and practical classes (100%). Class attendance is mandatory. It is expected that the performance in the different moments of evaluation will guarantee the acquisition of the necessary skills for the approval in this curricular unit.


  • References


    Andreassi, J.L. (2006). Psychophysiology: Human behaviour and physiological response. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
    Elias, L. & Saucier, D. (2018). Neuropsychology: Clinical and experimental foundations. Harlow: Person Education Limited.
    Eysenck, M.W. & Keane, M.T. (2015). Cognitive psychology: A student's handbook (7th Ed). NY: Psychology Press. 
    Kolb, B., Whishaw, I.Q. (2015). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology (7th Ed). Worth Publishers.

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