
Class Introduction to Contemporary Thought

  • Presentation


    The UC of Introduction to Contemporary Thought becomes pertinent to the Sociology Course, 
    to the extent that, among other possibilities, it helps, through the study of the different contemporary authors,
     to a better understanding of society.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Liberal thinking: -John Locke (1632-1704), Adam Smith (1723-1790), Stuart Mill (1806-1873), Alexis Tocqueville (1805-1859). - The main lines of liberal thought. 2. Marxist thought: - Western Marxism (from Antonio Gramsci to the Frankfurt School). 3. Post-industrial: - From industrial robotics to the Internet, to the information society. 4. Modern and postmodern: -For a phenomenology of the present time-the general characteristics of postmodernism. 5. The 20th Century: "the crisis of liberalism, democracy and the crisis of neos" - The critique of "totalitarianism" - The critique of "modernity" 7. Thinking and political ideas in Portugal in the 20th century - The Second Vatican Council and European Christian Thought 8. The 21st Century and the "new ideas" in Europe and in the World: - Social networks and social mobilizations - Terrorism and radicalism: politicians and religious in the world - Development, Human Rights and Security.

  • Objectives


    With this Course Unit we intend to equip students, firstly, with conceptual instruments suitable not only to an effective operationalization of analytical thinking, reflective and articulated to the major themes of contemporary times, but also, secondly, the capacities that allow them understand the major currents of thought that have influenced and influenced contemporary history. Students with this UC should acquire the skills to critically analyze the different stages of Contemporary Thought and be able to adapt the theories of the different authors to the reality of the 21st century, in line with European thinking

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Action-research based on solving problems raised by theory and on increasing Conference-Performance.

    The evaluation presupposes the accomplishment of 2 tests of evaluation of obligatory knowledge and presence and participation in the classes: 1st Test - 45% 2nd Test - 45% Attendance and participation in the classes - 10%

  • References


    Adams, I. & Dyson, R.W. (2010). 50 pensadores políticos essenciais. 2ª ed. RJ: DIFEL. Amaral, D.F. (2011) História do Pensamento Político Ocidental. Coimbra: Almedina. Baltazar, Maria da Saudade, Ramos, Isabel Joaquina, Saúde, Sandra (Coords). (2020). Desenvolvimento, Direitos Humanos e Segurança. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. Banond, I. (2014). História das Ideias Políticas. Parede: Principia. Cunha, J.S. (1981). História Breve das Ideias Políticas. Porto: Lello & Irmão. Habermas, J. (2015). Teoria Política. Vol. IV. Lisboa: Edições 70. Locke, J. (2014). Carta sobre a Tolerância. Lisboa: Ed. 70. Manent, P. (2015). História Intelectual do Liberalismo. Lisboa: Ed. 70 Neves, F. S. (2015). Introdução ao Pensamento Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. Neves, R. (2021). Gramsci. Lisboa:Colibri Rosas, J.C. (2015). Manual de Filosofia Política. 2ª ed. Coimbra: Edições Almedina. Sen, A. (2010). A Ideia de justiça. Coimbra: Almedina.

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