
Class Inequalities, Social Inclusion and Social Exclusion

  • Presentation


    It is a unit of the specific area of Sociology and its pertinence is not questionable since, as the designation shows, it deals with problems concerning society in general, and Portuguese one, in particular. This unit, due to the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, allows students an objective view to characterize the phenomena.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I - Diversity, differences, and integration - Socialization and construction of identities and social bonds; - integration, equality, social justice, development, cohesion (social and territorial) - person, dignity, and respect; - Institutions, morality, and ethics.

    II - Globalization, markets, value creation, and post-capitalism - Technologies and knowledge society - New labor problems.

    III - Inequalities, impacts, and challenges in contemporary society - areas and types of inequalities and exclusions; - most vulnerable social categories; - contexts, causes, and conditions - poverty, precariousness; - methods and measures of inequalities.

    IV - Policies, plans to combat inequalities and development - fight against poverty, exclusion, unemployment; - Social, labor and educational policies

  • Objectives


    The objectives focus on understanding the complexity, diversity, and change of human societies, linking different dimensions - biological, psychological, social, historical, economic, political, cultural, environmental, way of acting, thinking, and interacting - in a critical perspective. It aims to understand the place and function of diversity and its collaborative, conflict and violence envelopes in the history of different types of social and cultural organizations, and understand the basis of the dignity of the person, the ways of living together, the impact on inequalities and the types of strategies developed. Finally, to know how to use different theories, methodologies, and techniques suitable to the different objects of inequalities. Skills: Produce knowledge, namely by learning to problematize and conceptualize research objects; collect and analyze data with appropriate techniques and learn how to seek and devise strategic solutions and measures of interaction and evaluation

  • References


    Almeida, J., Capucha, L., Costa, A., Machado, F., Nicolau, I. & Reis, E. (1992). Exclusão Social. Fatores e tipos de pobreza em Portugal. Oeiras: Celta.

    Atkinson, A. (2016). Desigualdade - que fazer?. Lisboa: Bertrand

    Clavel, G. (2012). A sociedade da exclusão. Compreendê-la para dela sair. Lisboa: Porto Editora

    Costa, A.. (2012). Desigualdades Sociais Contemporâneas. Lisboa: Ed. Mundos Sociais.

    Diogo, F. (2015). Pobreza e Exclusão Social em Portugal. Contextos, transformações e estudos. Lisboa: Húmus

    Drucker, P. (2003). Sociedade Pós-Capitalista. Lisboa: Actual Ed.

    Dubet, F. (2014). La préférence pour l'Inégalité. Comprendre la Crise des Solidarités. Paris: Seuil.

    Rodrigues, C.. (coord), (2012). Desigualdade Económica em Portugal. Lisboa: FFMS

    Sandel, K. (2011). Justiça. Fazemos o que Devemos?. Lisboa: Ed. Presença.

    Silva, F.C. (2013). O Futuro do Estado Social. Lisboa: FFMS

    Stiglitz, J. (2013). O Preço da Desigualdade. Lisboa: Bertrand Ed.

    Vários (2021). Desigualdades Sociais. Lisboa: Húmus

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