
Class Workshop IV - Professional Practices in Sociology

  • Presentation


    The uc seeks to create competencies for competences to understand the multiple interconnections between the objective production of theoretical sociological knowledge and the dynamics of social reality, which one wants to understand and where one wants to intervene, between fundamental and applied research, between theoretical knowledge and the professional practices of sociologists (in different domains). It seeks to promote learning to produce reflective, critical and creative specialized and multidisciplinary knowledge, not only to identify problems in specific situations (communities, organizations, territories, ...), but also to look for (in collaborative team work, projects) , partnerships or networks ...) potential solutions that create value and support adequate decisions in contexts of uncertainty

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The contents of the UC are structured in 4 modules:
    1. Professional sociological practices are based, especially, on knowledge and skills for producing applied, involved and distant, critical and reflective, analytical and creative knowledge. The basis of this knowledge is built by problematizations, concepts and hypotheses, methodologies and technologies and guide the collection and analysis of adequate information to support choices and decision-making and value-creating solutions.
    2. Identifies and discusses different methods used in the construction of projects, in the collection and analysis of information and in the knowledge that supports action and intervention strategies.
    3. Discusses the main roles, functions and professional responsibilities of the work of sociologists in the different types of activities, projects and expertise of organizations.
    4. Analyzes different professional practices of sociologists in companies, professional training and sustainable development.

  • Objectives


    Provide future graduates in Sociology with a space for reflection and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences to understand and analyze the practices and institutionalization of the discipline, as a professional area. Its focus seeks to identify the specificity of fundamental research and the production of applied, critical and innovative sociological knowledge about different experiences, organizational activities and respective contexts, always open to cooperation with other multidisciplinary knowledge.

    In this sense, the UC seeks to identify different specific areas for the application of sociological skills and new fields of collaborative work with professionals from other specialties.

  • References


    • ALMEIDA, J. F. (1992). Trabalhar em Sociologia, ensinar Sociologia, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, n.º12, Lisboa: CIES.
    • BALL, P. (2005). Critical Mass. How one thing leads to another. London: Arrow Books
    • BECK, U., GIDDENS, A., LASH, S. (2000). Modernização Reflexiva. Oeiras: Celta Editora. 
    • BOURDIEU, Pierre (1984). Questions de Sociologie. Paris: Minuit
    • BOURDIEU, Pierre (2004). Para uma Sociologia da Ciência. Lisboa: Edições 70
    • GUIDDENS, A. (1997). Sociology. (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Polity Press
    • TOURRAINE, ALAIN, "O Retorno do Actor. Ensaio sobre Sociologia", Lisboa, Instituto Piaget, 1996
    • Nunes, Nuno "Desigualdades Sociais e Práticas de Acção Colectiva na Europa, Lisboa, Ed.Mundos Sociais, 2013
    • Valente, I.,Machado,F.L., e Costa, A.F.(Org).,Experiências e Papeis Profissionais de Sociólogos, 2ª Edição, Lisboa, APF, 1995


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