
Class Sociology I

  • Presentation


    This is a curricular unit of initiation to Sociology. As such, it seeks that students understand the goal and methodology of Sociology and can deal with the structuring concepts of this science.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The Sociological Perspective

    1.1. Common sense versus scientific knowledge. Sociological imagination 1.2. The complexity of the social. The object of sociological study 1.3. Regularities and social singularities 1.4. Fundamental concepts 1.5. The social sciences and the emergence of sociology. A brief history of the course in Portugal

    2. Culture and Society

    2.1. Concepts to general definitions of society and culture; reflection on sociocultural diversity; mass culture 2.2. The concepts of modernity. globalization and postmodernity. Culture and multiculturalism: hybridisms 2.3. Culture and cultural globalization

    3. Social Structures

    3.1. Social structures and institutions in contemporary times: a reflection on the past and the prediction of the future 3.2. Social practices, representations, and dynamics 3.3. Social interaction in everyday life 3.4. Sociologies in Sociology: a national portrait

  • Objectives



    Introduce students to sociological thinking and problems

    Cultivating sociological imagination

    Promote a critical attitude towards the conceptions of common sense, through the knowledge of the assumptions of Sociology, as a science of social phenomena

    Approach to key research concepts and practices

    Knowledge, skills, and competencies 

    Acquisition of theoretical bases that allow the understanding of the specific object of study of SociologyAcquisition of an analytical framework that enhances the capacity for understanding and intervention in society and organizations

    Development of general and initial ideas about the writing of scientific articles/documents

    Development of individual and group skills of oral and written communication and strengthening creativity, initiative, willingness to learn, and teamwork

    Awareness of the ethical and ethical issues that currently permeate the Communication and Information Society


  • References


    Berger, P. L. & Luckmann, T. (1999). A Construção Social da Realidade. Lisboa: Dinalivro.

    Costa, A. F. (2001). O que é Sociologia. Lisboa: Quimera

    Elias, N. (1980). Introdução à Sociologia. Lisboa: Edições 70.

    Fialho, J. (2021). Manual para a intervenção social. Da teoria à ação. Lisboa: Silabo

    Giddens, A. (2007). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    Oliveira, N. (2017). Do multiculturalismo ao interculturalismo. Um novo modo de incorporação da diversidade cultural?. Revista Ambivalências, vol. 5, n.º 9, 10-35

    Stuart, H. (2019). A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade. Rio de Janeiro: Lamparina editora

    Serrano, M. (org.) (2013). Um retrato das instituições sociais na sociedade contemporânea. Évora: Universidade de Évora.   

       Weber, M. (2015). Conceitos Sociológicos Fundamentais. Lisboa: Edições 70

    Williams, R. (1963). Culture and society 1780-1950. 2.ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin


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