
Class Society in the Portuguese-Speaking World and Cooperation

  • Presentation


    The Curricular Unit of Societies in the Lusophone Space and Cooperation aims to provide the acquisition and development of theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge necessary for an analysis of contemporary Lusophone societies and the cooperation relations they have developed among themselves and through the constitution of a international language-based intergovernmental cooperation organization, as well as in the relation with other international organizations.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    A. Contemporary societies

    • Concept of society: precursors and founders
    • Relationship between sovereignty, the individual and society
    • Universal humanism: freedom, equality, fraternity


    B. Cooperation and international organizations

    • Genesis and evolution of international organizations: UN, European Union (EU), African Union (AU) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
    • Language communities: SEGIB, OIF, Commonwealth and CPLP


    C. Common Ties and Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries

    • The 25th of April and the Independence Movements
    • New political and cooperation relationships
    • Identification and characterization of the Lusophone Space
    • Socioeconomic and political indicators of the CPLP countries


    D. Contemporary societies of the Lusophone Space

    • Societies in the Portuguese-speaking space: socioeconomic, geostrategic, and political context, identity and sociocultural specificities
    • Language, identity and diversity
    • Cooperation in the CPLP: challenges and opportunities
  • Objectives


    At the end of the Curricular Unit, students should be able to:

    1. Getting to know international organizations and language-based cooperation communities
    2. Identify the countries that are part of the Portuguese-speaking space and the common cultural ties;
    3. Historically frame the concept of Lusophony and the political implementation of the idea;
    4. Recognize the new political relationship between Portugal, Brazil, the PALOP and Timor-Leste;
    5. Know the economic and social indicators of Portuguese-speaking countries over the last few decades;
    6. Understand the common and convergence aspects and the sociocultural particularities and specificities of the countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP);
    7. Highlight the original character of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP);
    8. Discuss the role of the CPLP in the global context and future perspectives.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Lectures, which require the active participation of students, through:

    • Presentation of summaries of given material;
    • Presentation of individual work and group work;
    • Debates of ideas, which aim to develop the critical perspective, verified in the writing and oral presentation of the works.

    Joint analysis of contemporary educational issues, based on the presentation and discussion of texts, to:

    • Foster the capacity for interpretation and exposition, reflection, critical analysis and debate of ideas;
    • Stimulate the ability to identify, characterize and problematize educational phenomena, contextualized and framed in time and space;
    • Participation in a scientific event - seminar, conference, congress or Open Class, in the face-to-face or virtual modality;
    • Study visit(s).
  • References


    Bondoso, A. 2013. Lusofonia e CPLP. Desafios na Globalização. «Ângulos e Vértices» ou «Desafios & Virtudes» de um Processo Intemporal. Porto: Edições Esgotadas. 

    Campos, J. M. de. (coord.), 2010. Organizações Internacionais, 4ª edição. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora. 

    Moreira, A. (coord.), 2005. Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa – Cooperação. Coimbra: Instituto Português da Conjuntura Estratégica/Almedina.

    Moreira, L., e Tavares, R. (2022). Nos 25 anos da CPLP: Estudos em homenagem a José Aparecido de Oliveira e Ricardo Arnaldo Malheiros Fiuza. Belo Horizonte: Editora DelRey.

    Pinto, A. C. 2001. O Fim do Império Português. A Cena Internacional, a Guerra Colonial, e a Descolonização, 1961-1975. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

    Pinto, J. F. 2005. Do Império Colonial à Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa: Continuidades e Descontinuidades. Lisboa: Instituto Diplomático, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.  


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