
Class Industrial Organisation

  • Presentation


    Every day, entrepreneurs make decisions in environments of imperfect competition. These are strategic situations in the sense that the results of a company's behavior depend on its decisions and the reactions of its competitors. 

    Industrial organization is the discipline dedicated to the analysis of market structures with strategic environments. It analyzes the characteristics of the market, the alternatives of behavior, and the expected results. 

    We conclude with a comprehensive discussion of the competitive environment of the economy. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.The theory of the firm 

    1.1.The origins of the modern capitalistic firm  

    1.2.The nature of the firm 

    1.3.The entrepreneur   

    2.Market, competition and competitors  

    2.1.The Market and its definition 

    2.2.Market structure 

    2.3.Market structures  

    2.4.Strategic behavior: and introduction to game theory  

    2.5.Strategic relation models  

    2.6.Market entrance and exit  

    3.Strategic position and dynamics 

    3.1.Industry analyses 

    3.2.Strategic position and competitive advantage  

    3.3.Sustaining competitive advantage  

    4.Industrial policy, economics of regulation and competition law  

    4.1.Basic concepts  

    4.2.Industrial policy 

    4.3.Economic regulation   

    4.4.Competition law  

  • Objectives


    The objective of this course is for students to develop competencies in the following topics: 

    i. Understanding the concept of a firm as a complex institution whose existence arises from an analysis of market transaction costs and behavioral options. 

    ii. Identify the characteristics of the market. 

    iii. Identify the market structures in which firms operate. 

    iv. Identify the economic strategies that may be adopted by firms. 

    v. Understand the application of competition law. 

    vi. Identify the factors that influence the competitiveness of an economy. 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The student can be evaluated in the discipline, according to the pedagogical regulations of the master's course, through an exam, which is worth 20 points and will be conducted without reference to notes or materials.

    Alternatively, the student can choose a continuous assessment system, which comprises two evaluation moments:

    1. A project, which can be carried out in groups of 2 students, involving the submission of two written works and a presentation, accounting for 50% of the final grade.

    2. A written test evaluation without reference to notes or materials which will carry a weight of 50% in the final grade.

    To encourage greater student engagement with the subject matter, the practical project is developed in two stages, parallel to the theoretical content.

    To promote reading of the supporting text, students are informed that the written tests will require them to comment on paragraphs or examples from the different texts.

  • References


    Besanko, D; Dranove, D., Shanley, M.; Schaefer, S. (2013), ¿Economics of Strategy¿, 6td edition, Wiley 

    Chandler, A. (1994), ¿Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism¿, Harvard University Press, 

    Spulber, D (2009), ¿The theory of the firm: microeconomics with endogenous entrepreneurs, firms, markets and 

    organization¿, Cambridge 

    Cabral, Luís (2002), ¿Introduction to Industrial Organization¿, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts 

    Bishop, S. and Walker, M. (2010), ¿The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts, Application and 

    Measurement¿, Sweet and Maxwell 

    Froeb, L. (2008), ¿Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach¿, 2nd Edition. Vanderbilt University; 

    Tirole, Jean (1988), ¿The theory of Industrial Organization¿, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts 

    Church, Jeffry e Ware, Roger (2000), ¿Industrial Organization ¿ a Strategic Approach¿, Mc Graw Hill International 

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