
Class Infertility Diagnosis

  • Presentation


    In this CU it will presented to the students basic techniques and exams for infertility diagnose.

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    1. Fertility and Sterility: Epidemiology, anatomy, physiology, ethyology, amenorrea, premature ovarian failure
    2. Factors envolved in fertility: Life style, age, ultrasound, HSG, etc.
    3. Basic study of the women: Basic study, infecciosous, SOP, hidrosalpix, endometriosys, myomas, anomalies
    4. Basic study of the man
    5. Reproductive Surgery: Histeroscopy, laparoscopy, endometriosys, etc


    Acquisition of practical skills to carry out an infertility diagnosis

  • Objectives



    During the semester, students must acquire the elaborate the medical history of a couple atteding the infertility Center and guide the necessary complementary exams such as general, hormonal, genetic, ultrasound and other imaging exams to reach the diagnosis  as soon as possible. They must be able to guide and proceed to treatment in a timely manner, given the negative influence that the passage of time exerts on these patients.

    Once the diagnosis is made, they must acquire the technical ability to explain in a simple way the results to the couple under study and the possible therapeutic proposals, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the success rates published to date in the national registries, in order to transmit a objective idea of the expectations they should have regarding treatment success.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Presentation of illustrative slides on the subject of learning. Presentation of themes in an interactive way, with emphasis on content discussion in order to promote the integration of concepts. Teachers are researchers experts in central themes of some of the learning blocks. Acquisition of learning objectives will be assessed through written and oral tests throughout the course.

  • References


    ·       Manual Práctico de Esterilidad y Reproducción Humana. Aspectos Clínicos Remohí, J. Bellver, J. Ferrando, M. Requena, A. Pellicer, A. 5ª Edición Septiembre 2017.

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