
Class Research Methods

  • Presentation


    Practical applications of statistical analyses encompass all areas of biology. In this CU, emphasis will be
    given to the practical component and students will be confronted with concrete problems.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Theoretical component:

    1. Basic statistical knowledge

    2. Statistical analysis applied to assisted reproduction data

    3. Exercises using clinical results

  • Objectives


    By the end of this Curricular Unit (UC) the student should understand the basic statistical analysis used in the scientific articles. Furthermore, he/she should be able to perform the annual statistical analysis of the clinical results, in particular pregnancy rates, per transferred embryo and/or per transfer.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The essentially practical nature of this CU is aimed at developping in the student a know how that will be indispensable in his future carreer. Only the repeted use of the main techniques offered in the course will allow the student to reach the mastery of these techniques.

  • References


    • - Sokal RR & Rohlf FJ (1995). Biometry. The principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research. 3 rd Ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.


      - Statistical tables provided.


      - Free online documents.


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