
Class Law and Administrative Offenses Procedure

  • Presentation


    Within the scope of this curricular unit, the student dives into the specific sanctioning law that is the illicit
    of mere social order. An offense that is different from that of criminal law and criminal procedural law, but
    that has their subsidiary rights in them. The substantive and procedural notions of the same right will be
    further developed, and then, a study will be made of some offenses in particular

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Part I.
    1.- The Law of Administrative Offenses.
    2.- Crime and administrative offense.
    3.- The rules on the powers of the administrative authorities when imposing fines.
    4.- Fines and accessory sanctions.
    5.- Principles of the administrative process.
    6.- The stages of the process: instruction, indictment, right of defense and decision.
    7.- Resources in the administrative offense process.
    Part II
    Offenses in particular.

  • Objectives


    The objectives of this curricular unit are to deepen the Law of administrative offenses, passing through its
    distinction in relation to Criminal Law, as well as to characterize its sanctions, its substantive regime and
    its procedural regime. Some offenses will be studied in particular, especially from the regulated sectors.
    Enable students with the comprehension skills of the dogmatic and essential categories of a UC where
    subjects related will be studied, allowing them to reach a critical and scientific horizon on this branch of

  • References


    ALBUQUERQUE Paulo Pinto de (2022) Comentário do Regime Geral das Contraordenações, 2.ª edição actualizada, Lisboa:

    DANTAS, António Leones (2023) Direito Processual das Contraordenações, Coimbra: Almedina

    DIAS, Augusto Silva e PEREIRA, Rui Soares (2022) Direito das Contraordenações 2.ª ed. Coimbra: Almedina, 2018.
    PALMA ET. ALII, (2020)Novos Estudos sobre Law Enforcement, Compliance e Direito Penal, Coimbra:
    RANDO CASERMEIRO, P. (2010)  La distinción entre el Derecho penal y el Derecho administrativo
    sancionador, Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch
    VILELA, Alexandra (2022), O direito de mera ordenação social. Entre a ideia de ¿recorrência¿ e a de
    ¿erosão¿ do direito penal clássico, reimpressão, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

    _________ (2021) «O direito das contra-ordenações necessário para um combate eficaz da corrupção», in: Corrupção em Portugal. Avaliação legislativa e proposta de reforma, org. Albuquerque, Paulo Pinto de et alii,

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