
Class Curricular Planning and Assessment

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to contribute to the training of students in the field of curricular development taking into account their future performance as secondary school teachers, which should be based on the principles of inclusive education. This currculuar unit assumes all pertinence if we consider curriculum as the central and defining core of the educational institution.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Approach to the theoretical field that guides the area of Curriculum Development: Paraddigms and theories on education and curriculum 

    2. Curriculum Development and Computer Education: curriculum models 

    3. Discussions on Curriculum and Curriculum Development in Portugal 

    3.1 - The curricular statute of the Profile of Students at Compulsory School Leaving and the centrality of the concept of competence
    3.2 - The curricular status of «Essential Learning» 

    3.3 - Education in the field of digital skills and the DigCompEdu: European Digital Competence Framework for Educators 

    3.4 - Education in the field of digital skills and the construction of an Inclusive School
    3.5 - The role of curriculum and pedagogical assessment: conceptions and paradigms of assessment

    3.6 - Tools and assessment modes: the option for a formative assessment.

    3.7 – Assessment of learning within computacional environments

    3.8 – Curriculum and teachers’ professional learning.


  • Objectives


    1. Knowing concepts, theories and paradigms that integrate the areas of education and curriculum.
    2. Critically analyze the roles that have been assigned to education, school, and curriculum.

    3. Reflect on the place of digital skills in the curriculum

    4. Critically analyze curricular models in their relationship with computer education.
    5. Identify creative and innovative pedagogical responses.
    6. Analyze concepts and assessment modalities, namely the assessment within computacional environments.
    7. Establish relationships between curriculum models and learning assessment paradigms.
    8. Problematize, in the light of pedagogical models, the role of the teacher.
    9. Characterize the teacher's decision-making processes according to different models of policy and curriculum development.
    10. Organize, manage and dynamize working groups for thematic debates.
    11. Be autonomous and work in cooperation.
    12. Make a commitment to professional ethics.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Co-operative work to analyse and reflect on different experiences.

    Individual construction of classroom experiences, with subsequent collective reflection.

  • References


    Alves, M.P. & De Ketele, J.M. (2011). Do Curri¿culo a¿ Avaliac¿a¿o, da Avaliac¿a¿o ao Curri¿culo. Porto Editora
    Estrela, E. (2019). The two faces of the same coin. National and individual refraction in curriculum policies in Portugal. In M. Gonza¿lez-Delgado, I. Goodson and G. McCulloch (Eds.), Transnational Perspectives on Curriculum History (pp.198-220). Routledge
    Estrela, E. & Ricardo, M. M. (2020) Inovac¿a¿o e Mudanc¿a: reflexo¿es sobre o processo de autonomia e flexibilizac¿a¿o curricular nas escolas portuguesas. Revista Luso¿fona de Educac¿a¿o, 50, 143-160
    Pacheco, J. (2002). Poli¿ticas Curriculares. Porto Editora
    Trindade, R. & Cosme, A. (2016). Instruir, aprender ou comunicar: Reflexa¿o sobre os fundamentos das opc¿o¿es pedago¿gicas perspetivadas a partir do ato de ensinar. Revista Dia¿logo Educacional, (16) 50, 1031-1051

    Veldkamp, B. & Sluijter, C. (Eds) (2019). Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18480-3


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