
Class Transmedia e Narrativas Híbridas

  • Presentation


    At the end of this curricular unit - Transmedia and Hybrid Narratives - it is intended to enable students with skills within the scope of the latest practices regarding the production of journalistic information, informative contents and narratives emerging from reality and with news value, both in the web environment and in the context of publications, reflecting the informative production of the current media ecosystem, which is also hybrid and non-linear. Examples: webdocumentaries, multimedia and hypermedia narratives, virtual and immersive reality, gamification, etc.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Once upon a time: what is storytelling?
    1.1 The elements of storytelling
    1.2 From oral tradition to the hero's journey: "mythical" structures of storytelling

    2. Literature and Journalism
    2.1. The New Journalism and Narrative Journalism: the reportage and the book reportage 2.2.
    2.2. Travel Literature

    3. Audiovisual narratives: the documentary film and the video
    3.1 Introduction to documentary: subgenres and modes of representation
    3.2 The creative "treatment" of reality: the different schools of thought about documentary and the hybrids (post-doc)
    3.4 Audiovisual content: video, archive and memory

    4. Web, Transmedia and hybridization of genres

    Convergence culture, transmedia narrative and journalism 4.2.
    4.2. The webdocumentary and non-linear narrative
    4.3. how to write for online? Title, lead, news body, hyperlinks, verification
    4.4. The multimedia and transmedia script
    4.5. The multimedia reportage, videojournalism and mini-docs (online)

  • Objectives


    It aims to provide tools to think about how best to produce, develop and distribute the information, tailoring the final informational treatment to the platforms and the environment for which it is intended. Then, it is intended to contribute to the analysis of differentiated narrative products where the tools of journalism are the foreground of the work. Finally, it aims to contribute to the critical reflection of how the planning, approach and structure of narratives that aggregate several media elements can commit to convey the message, telling stories with a purpose. 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology will include theoretical exposition of concepts, viewing videos and films, analysis of websites and publications, open classes with experts, followed by practical exercises to be performed inside and outside the classroom. The evaluation will be mixed, fixing the delivery of the final work, according to the ULP Evaluation Regulation, in the examination date of normal season, and will be divided into specific moments, with mandatory character:

    Frankenstein Journalism Conference (20%);

    Participation and attendance (20%);

    Collaborative final work, which consists in the creation of a transmedia journalistic narrative published on an online platform embedded in #infomedia. The work will have a relationship with civil society. (60%). (Grade: work progress: 20% + presentation in class 20% + final: 20%).

  • References


    Franco, G. (2009). Como escrever para web, Uma iniciativa do Centro Knight para o Jornalismo nas Américas da Universidade do Texas em Austin, Disponível online em:

    Jenkins, H. (2015). Cultura da Convergência, editora Aleph, (e-book)

    McEarlean, K. (2018). Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling, Taylor& Francis
    Nichols, B. (1992). Representing Reality, Issues and Concepts in Documentary, Indiana University Press

    Penafria, M. (2013). Webdocumentário - interatividade, abordagem e navegação. In Comunicação Digital - 10 Anos de Investigação, ed. António Fidalgo e João Canavilhas. Labcom

    Ribeiro-Rodrigues, V. (2021). Narrativas Cinematográficas, humanizar histórias. Jornalismo, Documentário e Desenvolvimento humano, [tese de Doutoramento] Universidade Lusófona do Porto.

    Vogler, C. (2015). A jornada do escritor, Estrutura Mítica para Escritores, editora Aleph (e-book)


  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Vanessa Rodrigues

    Quartas-Feiras (14:30)

    Mediante marcação prévia








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