
Class Communication Models and Theories

  • Presentation


    - To identify and characterize the body techniques and their media representations that contribute to the transformation of appearance, gestuality and consumption in today's world

    - To expose the material functioning of the media, in its informational, advertising and artistic dimensions, and its impact on everyday life

    - To explore the social and cultural dynamics of inclusion-exclusion and hegemony-periphery in media coverage;

    - To delve into the resistance tactics of subcultures and other minorities within the framework of a global and dominant order;

    - To promote students' critical sense of the media, its history, and its influence on social dynamics

    - To stimulate the understanding of the main models of mediation of mass and interactive messages taking into account historical and contemporary perspectives.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. From communication to its models: theoretical views and historical retrospective

    2. Communication, Models and Effects

    3. Theories of limited effects

      1. - The theory of limited effects 

      2. - Functionalist theory

      3. - The theory of uses and gratifications

    4. Critical theories

      1. - The Frankfurt school and the cultural industries

      2. - The media, culture and consumption

      3. Hegemonies, global order and cultural imperialism

      4. - The concept of public sphere

    5. Reception theories

      1. - Encoding/decoding 

      2. - Agenda-setting

    6. Communication, the city and the new technologies 

      1. - Technological determinism

      2. - Information Society

      3. - The network society

      4. - The city as a communication and public space

    7. The body, the everyday life and gestuality

    8.  Minorities, subcultures and resistance politics



  • Objectives


    - To delimit the field of communication sciences and distinguish the various perspectives (Mass Communication Research, Frankfurt School, Chicago School, Cultural Studies, French Contemporary Thought);

    - To map the forms of the body in everyday life, resulting from social theatricality (Goffman, 1993), the appearance cultivated by the media and the consumer society (Baudrillard, 1981), and the post-human body, hybridized with technology (Le Breton, 2006)

    - To understand the confrontation between hegemonies and resistance politics in the (in)visibility of certain social groups in the media, through notions such as: intersectionality, eurocentric gaze, male gaze, new and old isms, norm and deviation, dominant culture and subculture, traditional and alternative media

    - To understand the individual/collective dynamics of media and the evolution of communication theories

    - To understand the importance of representation and individuality in culture and communication processes.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In this CU we use innovative methodologies, particularly active methodologies, in which students learn by doing and apply theory to practice. STEAM is also present through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. Finally, the use of digital tools in the classroom (such as videos, images, etc.) should be emphasised. 

  • References


    Becker, H. (2009). Outsiders. Estudos da sociologia do desvio. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.

    Castels, M. (1999). A sociedade em rede. São Paulo: Paz e Terra. 

    Debord, G. (2006). La société du spectacle. In Oeuvres. Paris: E´ditions Gallimard.

    Freixo, M. J.(2006). Teorias e Modelos de Comunicação. Lisboa: Ed. Piaget.

    Goffman, E. (1993). A apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias. Lisboa: Relógio d¿Água.

    Hall, S. (2006). Da diáspora. Identidades e Mediações Culturais. Belo Horizonte: UFMG.

    Le Breton, D. (2006). A sociologia do corpo. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.

    Mattelart, A. & Mattelart, M. (1997). História das Teorias da Comunicação.Porto: Campo das Letras. 

    McCall, L. (2005) The complexity of intersectionality. Signs, 30 (3), 1771¬1800.

    McQuail, D. & Windahl S. (2003). Modelos de comunicação para o estudo da comunicação de massas. Lisboa: Ed. Notícias


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