
Class Psicossociology of Organizations

  • Presentation


    Psycho-sociology is a curricular unit that prepares students to better understand the employees' and leaders' behavior in organizations. It gives them an insight into the evolution of the various types of management and the schools associated with them. It analises motivation' theories and their effect on organizational productivity and effectiveness, types of leadership, power, conflicts, communication and organizational changes.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Organizations Psychosociology: what is, as it turned out, the main field of action and its purpose

    2. Organizational Behavior nature and the contributions of its study to Management: globalization, problems and challenges

    3. Motivation and Work Satisfaction: impact on performance and productivity

    4. Cooperative leadership (lead with) versus traditional leadership (lead from)

    5. Climate, Organizational Culture. Ethics and Social Responsibility

    6. Stress and Conflict in organizations: perspectives, types and management techniques

    7. Organizational Change and Innovation: the activity of learning organizations

  • Objectives


    - Identify and explain main challenges that currently companies are facing;

    - Know the different explanatory approaches of the functioning of organizations as systems of coordinated action;

    - Understand individual behaviors in organizations and how to manage them appropriately;

    - Understand how and when promote controlled organizational changes and how to use intervention techniques. 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical-practical classes that include: student research on various topics, presentation and discussion of exposition of more complex themes by the teacher, accompanied by illustrative examples occurred in an organizational context. Analysis and critical comment of topics whose documentation is previously provided.

    1. Continuous evaluation is aimed to students who are present in 75% of the semester's classes, except for ECEO and ULHT Evaluation Regulations. Participation and exercises in classes (20% of the final grade); written test (will have a weighting of 50% of the final grade); group work with public defense (30%). 2. Final exame: Written exam (100% of grade).

  • References


    • Caetano, A.; Neves, J. G. & Ferreira, J. M. C. (2020). Psicossociologia das Organizações. Fundamentos e Aplicações. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
    • Reis, F. L. (2020). Manual de Gestão das Organizações - Teoria e Prática, 2ª edição. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 


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