
Class Narrative Techniques

  • Presentation


    Narrative Techniques explores the techniques of fiction text construction and the nature of creative writing. Develop the theory and practice of continuing form of a specific literary genre - the realistic contemporary short story. Focusing on this particular genre aims at work on clarity, brevity, ie conciseness of writing, essential for students of Communication and Journalism, acting as a creative reinforcement of the specific disciplines of journalistic writing. The concept of plagiarism is also analyzed, contextualizing the seriousness of this crime and its consequences in the journalistic context.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The short story as a literary genre: the boundaries between short-story, novel and romance
    1.1. The Portuguese contemporary short story: framing and historical evolution
    1.2. The Realistic Contemporary short story: The Obligation to Be Credible
    1.3. The importance of the initial situation/conflict

    2. The macrostructures of the fiction text
    2.1. The concept of dramatic square
    2.2. Argument
    2.2.1. Structure
    2.2.2. Plot
    2.3. Characters
    2.4. Narrative Views
    2.4.1. Focus
    2.4.2. Narration
    2.5. Temporality
    2.6. The message

    3. Specific Writing Techniques
    3.1. Static Description
    3.2. Description by Action
    3.3. Action Description
    3.4. Portrait of a Character

    4. The concept of plagiarism
    4.1. Literary and legal notion
    4.2. Cases in the journalistic context

  • Objectives


    Provide instruments for constructing the narrative of fiction, with particular focus on the literary short story genre, in the contemporary realistic variant. Through this approach, improve written conciseness, essential to journalistic language. Alert to the issue of literary and academic plagiarism. By the end of the semester, students will be able to write a realistic contemporary short story, mastering a factual and artful writing style. They will also have the necessary tools to avoid falling into plagiarism.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Construction of a fiction text in teams throughout the semester, with oral defence of the writing exercises that constitute it.

  • References


    Adam, J.-M., & Revaz, F. (1997). A Análise da Narrativa . Lisboa: Gradiva.
    Código do Direito do Autor e dos Direitos Conexos.
    Mancelos, João de (2015). Manual de Escrita Criativa , 2ª Edição, Lisboa: Edições Colibri.
    Melo, João de (Org.) (2003). Antologia do Conto Português , 2ª Edição, Lisboa, D. Quixote.
    Norton, C. (2001). Os Mecanismos da Escrita Criativa . Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
    Salema, Álvaro (Org.) (1984). Antologia do Conto Português Contemporâneo , Lisboa, Instituto de
    Cultura e Língua Portuguesa.
    Timbal-Duclaux, L. (1997). Eu Escrevo Contos e Novelas . Lisboa: Pergaminho.

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