
Class Victimology and Risk Assessment

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to promote new knowledge of the victimization process, at the level of their understanding, assessment and intervention, with the aim of developing skills for an effective, interdisciplinary and critical risk assessment and intervention.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Introduction to victimology: object (s), historical development and method (s).

    II. Violence, victimization and other correlated conceptualizations:

    - Forms and types of violence;

    - Epidemiological data, incidence and prevalence;

    - Explanatory perspectives.

    III - Dynamics of violence:

    - Spaces and contexts;

    - Profiles of the victim and the aggressor;

    - Risk and resilience factors;

    - Impact.

    IV. Assessment of the revictimization risk:

    - In children and families from the promotion and protection system;

    - In contexts of violence in intimate relationships;

    - In persecution contexts.

    V. Intervention:

    - Modalities of intervention with children, families and adults;

    - Evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention programs;

    - Victim support services;

    - New forms of victimization.

  • Objectives


    The curricular unit is organized to promote the following skills:

    - Understand the relationship between the phenomenon of victimization and the historical, legal and cultural reality;

    - Understand the fundamental aspects of the victimization process in children, youth, adults and seniors;

    - Know the main instruments for assessing the risk of revictimization;

    - Understand the different forms of integral intervention centered on psycho-socio-legal aspects (individual or group) appropriate to the target population, the specific types of victimization and the respective scope; 

    - Recognize the importance of evaluating programs and using evidence-based strategies.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    We will privilege an approach centered on the student, with the classes fundamentally focused on the integration and critical reflection of the contents. In this sense, a set of didactic resources will be used, such as oral presentation, group discussion, case analysis, problem solving, as well as the elaboration of group work to developing targeted intervention programs in specific target groups.

  • References


    • Arruabarrena, M.I. e Paúl, J. (2005). Maltrato a los niños en la família. evaluation y tratamiento. Madrid: EdicionesPirámide.
    • Belsky, J. (1980). Child maltreatment: an ecological integration. American psychologist, 35, 320-335.
    • Chemtob, C., & Carlson, J. (2004). Psychological effects of domestic violence on children and their mothers. International journal of stress management, 11(3), 209-226.
    • Dias, I. (2004). Violência na família: uma abordagem sociológica. Porto. Edições afrontamento.
    • Garbarino, J., & Eckenrode, J. (1997). Understanding abusive families: ecological approach to theory and practice. SanFrancisco: Jossey-bass.
    • Machado, C., & Gonçalves, R. (2004, Coord.). Violência e vítimas de crimes (vols. 1 e 2) . Coimbra: Quarteto.
    • Magalhães, T. (2002). Maus-tratos em crianças e jovens: guia prático para profissionais. Coimbra: Quarteto.
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