
Class Prisons and Social Reintegration

  • Presentation


    Social Reintegration - Mechanisms and Procedures: Institutional and Personal.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Module I. History of the prison device

    (1) Prison as an ideological system;
    (2) Prison, social policies and penal policies;
    (3) Policies for the execution of sentences and measures depriving of liberty;
    (4) Prison reforms in Portugal and Human Rights.

    Module II. The concept of social Rehabilitation

    (1) Adaptation to prison and desocialization;
    (2) Social Reintegration: from normalization to reintegration. Strategies for rehabilitation;

    (3) Prison treatment and Social Reintegration;
    (4) Promoting the social and emotional skills of inmates.
    (5) The importance of post-reclusion: assessment and treatment

  • Objectives


    The Prisons and Social Reintegration curricular unit aims to provide the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge about prisons and the different policies for managing crime and exclusion, and their effects on inmates, as well as preparation for evaluation and intervention in the field of prisons and social reintegration. The curricular unit is organized in order to promote the following skills:

    (1) Understand the characteristics of the relationship between prison, society and crime.

    (2) Place the main theoretical proposals in the field of prison studies.

    (3) Understand, identify and operationalize the concept of social (re)insertion as a strategy aimed at preventing criminal and prison recidivism.

    (4) Identify and develop intervention strategies in prison and post-incarceration.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching will be thought through reflection directed towards and mainly a student-centered approach. To this end, a set of didactic resources will be used, such as an oral presentation, a group discussion, an analysis of articles and case studies, as well as the elaboration and oral presentation of work assignments.

    Continuous assessment includes the following parameters:

    - A written test (65%)

    - Group work (35%). Make an Individual Inclusion Plan with a specific type of offender. Groups will be made up of 3/4 people.

    A final assessment:

    - Test, covering the entirety of the syllabus taught and will have a weight of 100% in the final classification.

  • References


    - Bennett, J., Crew, B., & Wahidin, A. (2008). Understanding prison staff. Devon: Willan. - Brites, J.A. (2013). Psicopatia e linguagem. Lisboa:Chiado editora.

    - Craig, L.A., Dixon, L., & Gannon, T.A. (2013). What works in Offender Rehabilitation. An Evidence-Basead Approach to Assessment and Treatment. Wiley - BlackWell.

    - Foucault, M. (2009). Vigiar e Punir. Editora Vozes. Brasil

    - Gonc¿alves, R. A. (2008). Delinque¿ncia, crime e adaptac¿a¿o a¿ prisa¿o (3a. Ed. revista). Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.

    - Hollin, C.R. (2004). The Essential Handbook of Offender Assessment and Treatment. Wiley - BlackWell.

    - Jewkes, Y. (2007). Handbook on prisons. Devon: Willan.

    - Liebling, A. & Maruna, S. (2005). The effects of imprisonment. Devon: Willan.

    - Toch, H. & Adams, K. (2002). Acting out: Maladaptive behaviour in confinement. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


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