
Class Sound Effects Workshop

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    O papel do sonoplasta; A sonoplastia como pilar criativo na animação; Historia da sonoplastia no filme animado; Propriedades físicas do som; Introdução ao áudio digital; A sonoplastia no apoio à narrativa; A influência do som na perceção do espaço e do tempo; Momentos de tensão/distensão; Som metafórico; O fora de campo; A intencionalidade sonora; O realismo e a subjetivação: o som onírico; Desenvolvimento de continuidade; Criação e organização de bibliotecas de sons; Personalidade na sonoplastia e no diálogo; Linguagens sintéticas; O papel da música na animação; A música na comunicação do emocional; O som diagético, não-diagético e meta-diagético.

  • Objectives


    - Develop and enhance students creativity and technique in the production and design of sound design for animated film projects;
    - Understand the artistic-technical process of production and post-production of sound for image;
    - Promote individual skills in the production of sound designs and in the design of sound development and production strategies taking into account artistic thinking;
    - Optimize strategies and aesthetics that influence conceptual approaches in sound design;
    - Contribute to the expansion of the student's sound/audiovisual culture.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Written exam (15%), Continuous assessment (15%), Practical Work I (35%), Practical Work II (35%). Theoretical-practical sessions. Theory will consist of oral exposition using multimedia technology through the projection of powerpoints, exhibition of animated film projects and practical demonstration in recording and editing equipment that are relevant to the context of the class in question. Practices related to sound recording will be carried out in the studio and across the ULHT campus. Editing and mixing practices will be carried out in the classroom using individual DAW stations (Digital Audio Workstation) and/or in a recording studio (ULHT).

  • References


    Altman, R. (1984). A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre. [Cinema Journal]

    Altman, R. (1995). The sound of sound: a brief history of the reproduction of sound in movie theaters. Cineaste, 21(1-2).

    Beauchamp, R. (2014) Designing Sound For Animation [Focal Press]



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