
Class Human Resource - Analytics

  • Presentation


    Curricular Unit of training in Analytical Human Resources (HR Analitcs) created to offer a set of knowledge and authors on the art of decision making based on previously collected data, analyzed and organized in order to improve the performance of the company's human resources with a focus in organizational harmony and effectiveness. Analytics is the applied use of data, analysis and systematic reasoning to drive a much more efficient decision-making process.
    It helps analyze, organize, contextualize and compare raw data, providing a useful strategic view from which to extract the right ideas to act.
    Powerful tool capable of significantly improving productivity and professional, individual and group performance.
    It will encourage the proper alignment of expectations and goals. HR Analytics helps improve the performance indicators and results of HR initiatives.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.  Basic concepts and applicability:

    Definition of HR Analytics; Objectives, applications and dimensions of HR Analytics; Importance of HR Analytics in the company's strategy; The future of HR Analytics


    2. HR Analytics data and information systems:

    Information and data sources; Collection, analysis and reporting models; HR Analytics and Systems; Monitoring.

    3. Analysis and Decision Making:
    Predictive business analytics; Analysis Strategies; Decision making.

    (What is People Analytics; How People Analytics works; Management indicators;
    People analytics impact data, results and statistics; What is the influence of Big Data and AI in HR, in people management;
    What are the advantages of People Analytics; How to apply People Analytics in HR;
    How to use Analytics in HR processes; People Analytics trends; People Analytics and Strategic HR)

  • Objectives


    Understand and discuss why managers need to analyse, measure and control the implications of their strategies in people management; Mastering business analytical concepts; Know and understand the various factors for defining strategies, decision making; Know the main business strategies and how to diagnose their impacts.
    Know and develop the use of the different stages of Analytical HR processes;
    Know how to collect, diagnose and relate human resources information, global and specific, Know how to calculate the size of the human system and corresponding implications; Have the competence to make an adequate and effective decision; Knowing how to implement, measure and control actions aligned with the overall business strategy. Develop critical and integrative capacity; Acquire a strategic vision.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active method and service based learning method:


    a) Case studies and group discussions;
    b) Bibliographic research and self-study;
    c) Analysis and discussion of scientific articles related to the practices under study;
    d) Carrying out and defending practical work in an organizational context. Expository and interrogative method, for the presentation and reflection on the basic theoretical frameworks.
    e) Development of a people management project with the introduction of the themes covered in the UC, transferring theory to practice. Presentation, analysis and discussion.

  • References


    Corte-Real. N. (2022). Big Data & Analytics. Influência

    N Khan, D Millner. (2020). Introduction to people analytics: A practical guide to data-driven HR., I T. .(2020).Controlo de Gestão. 1ª edição. Actual Editora

    Caldeira J.(2018).100 Indicadores da Gestão - Key Performance Indicators. Actual Editora

    Borralho,C. (2018).Sistemas de Planeamento e Controlo de Gestão. Silabo

    Vários.(2018).Do Orçamento ao Balanced Scorecard-A Evolução Para o Crescimento dos Resultados. Almedina

    Giermindl, L., Strich, F., Christ, O., Leicht-Deobald, U. & Redzepi, A. (2021). The dark sides of people analytics: reviewing the perils for organisations and employees. European journal of information systems.

    Diez, F., Bussin, M. & Lee, V. (2019).  Fundamentals of HR Analytics: A Manual on Becoming HR Analytical. Emerald Group Publishing. Uk.


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