
Class International Institutions and Organisations

  • Presentation


    As a discipline of the first year of the course, the unit allows approaching the components, meanings and possible structures of International Organizations. In its various versions and possibilities, the UC allows the student an important vision and dimension of broad work in the field, and with the analytical and diplomatic focus, including a citizen or private participation.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Contents Description:

    1. What are international organizations?
    2. International Organizations and the International System.
    3. The different institutional roles and institutional processes of International Organizations 4. International Organizations, themes and practices.
    5. Interactions and International Organizations.

  • Objectives


    The unit Institutions and International Organizations is dedicated to the study of characteristics fundamentals, processes, norms and results associated with international organizations. Therefore, the study of their possible natures and the effects they generate in their
    exercise, together or alone, in the international system. Objectives of learning:

    1. Understand what the different types of organizations are International, the roles of international institutions.
    2. Understand the dynamics, the origin and trends that are pertinent to International Organizations.
    3. Apply knowledge in case studies of international institutions, with effect on efficiency of these organizations.
    4. Analyze the performance of international institutions and relationships between the predominant actors in each environment.
    5. Evaluate the participation of institutions or international organizations in the configuration of the international system and subsystems.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment


    Active teaching methodologies play a crucial role in the process of this discipline, promoting active student participation and encouraging autonomous learning. Strategies such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and the Flipped Classroom are highlighted. PBL involves challenging students to solve complex problems, encouraging critical thinking and collaboration. The Flipped Classroom encourages pre-reading and independent research before classes, reserving time in the classroom for discussions and practical activities. These approaches provide a dynamic and engaging environment, where students become active agents in the learning process, promoting a deeper and lasting understanding of the content.

  • References


    Ambos, T. C., & Tatarinov, K. (2022). Building responsible innovation in international organizations through intrapreneurship. Journal of Management Studies , 59 (1), 92-125.

    Crockett, S (2012) The Role of International Organisations in World Politics. E-International Relations Students.

    OECD (2016), International Regulatory Co-operation: The Role of International Organisations in Fostering Better Rules of Globalisation, OECD Publishing, Paris.

    Ramos Barrera, M. G. (2022). Estados, Organizaciones Internacionales y Tecnologi¿as de la Informacio¿n: Actores de una Red No Moderna.

    Schiavone, G. (2016). International organizations: A dictionary and directory . Springer.



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