
Class Cognitive Processes I - Attention and Perception

  • Presentation


    This CU intends to study the main bases related to information processing in the different perceptive modalities.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Perception: Conceptual Foundations
    1.1. Sensation and perception: concepts and interaction
    1.2. Perceptual modalities: main characteristics and functioning
    1.3. Conceptual models: Gestalt, information processing approaches, and constructivist proposals
    2. Attention: Conceptual Foundations
    2.1. Definitions and taxonomies
    2.2. Major theoretical models: filter theories, automatic and controlled processing, and capacity models. Interactions with sensation, perception, and the influence of emotion
    3. Research methods in Perception and Attention
    3.1. Behavioral models
    3.2. Laboratory models: experimental paradigms, psychophysiological techniques, and neuroimaging
    4. Applications of the study of Perception and Attention
    4.1. Individual differences
    4.2. Behavior and learning


  • Objectives


    The objectives of the course focus on promoting knowledge of the conceptual foundations of attention and perception from an interactive and complementary perspective, such as:

    LO1. Provide students with skills that enable them to describe the main theoretical models related to perception and attention functions.
    LO2. Provide knowledge and competencies in practical and laboratory training with stimulus presentation programs (e.g., Superlab) that promote mastery of research methodologies and the main experimental paradigms in the study of perception and attention.
    LO3. Develop and consolidate knowledge of the applications of research in perception and attention in the study and understanding of individual differences.
    LO4. Stimulate critical thinking by promoting the integration of knowledge with other courses.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    It encompasses two components, theoretical and practical, which are paired in terms of the covered programmatic contents. The first component is of an expository nature, using audiovisual material. The practical laboratory aspect is focused on carrying out tasks involving the implementation of behavioral and experimental paradigms, guided research activities, discussion of scientific articles, and writing empirical work reports.

  • References


    Eysenck, M.W. & Keane, M.T. (2015). Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook (7th Edition). NY: Psychology Press.
    Harris, J. (2014). Sensation and Perception. London: Sage Publications.
    Posner, M.I. (2012). Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Schiffman, H.R. (2005). Sensação e Perceção (Edição Brasileira). Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora, S.A.


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