
Class Psychology of Education

  • Presentation


    The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge in the field of Educational Psychology. Theoretical models, research and intervention approaches, and educational psychology fields of action are described. This is an important curricular unit of the first cycle of Psychology training since it allows students to have a global perspective on this specific domain of psychological sciences, which may be explored in subsequent study cycles.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Definition of Educational Psychology: Specificities and Historical Evolution The functions of the Educational Psychologist in different educational contexts. Conceptual Framework of Educational Psychology: Research and intervention in educational contexts; Research and intervention methodologies; Training for educational agents Vocational and career development psychology, positive environments for learning and the prevention of school conflicts The self-regulation of learning: A theoretical framework for training, assessment, and intervention; Theoretical models: phases, processes, and dimensions (cognitive, motivational, behavioral); Assessment and intervention in specific contexts (e.g., problem solving, writing, technological environments).

  • Objectives


    ILO1. Recognize the relevance and define the field of Educational psychology.

    ILO2. Describe and compare theories, models, and research methodologies in the field of Educational psychology.

    ILO3. Identify different educational contexts and areas of action for the Educational Psychologist.

    ILO4. Analyze and formulate training and intervention projects within the scope of teaching and learning processes, discussing their implications in educational contexts throughout the life cycle.

    ILO5. Develop skills of critical thinking and a scientific attitude towards the psychological phenomena involved in teaching and learning processes.

    ILO6. Develop interpersonal skills associated with teamwork, self-regulation of learning, oral communication, and group dynamics.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This curricular unit includes theoretical and practical classes. Theoretical classes include expository moments and participatory discussions. The exposition of syllabus contents will be complemented by research tutoring methods, critical analysis of empirical literature, and theme debate. Practical classes involve the following methodologies: visualization of excerpts from films and/or documentaries; case studies; training methodologies; teacher feedback; oral presentations of group assignments; discussion activities; and peer feedback. Additionally, students are invited to critically reflect on the skills they gained at the UC, including self-assessment of their learning, involvement in tasks, and performance.

  • References


    Duchesne, S., McMaugh, A., & Mackenzie, E. (2022). Educational psychology for learning and teaching. (7th ed.) Cengage Learning Australia.


    Merrel, K.W., Ervin, R.A., & Peacock, G.G. (2012). School psychology for the 21st century: Foundations and practices (2nd ed). New York: The Guilford Press.


    Nilson, L. B. (2013). Creating self-regulated learners: Strategies for strengthening students’ self-awareness and learning skills. Sterling, VA: Stylus.


    Santrock, J. W. (2020). Educational psychology (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


    Seli, H. (2019). Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success A Focus on Self-Regulated Learning (6th ed.). New York: Routledge


    Slavin, Robert E (2017). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (12th ed). New York: Pearson.


    Veiga, F. (Org.). (2013). Psicologia da Educação: teoria, investigação e aplicação. Envolvimento dos alunos na escola. Lisboa: Climepsi.


    Woolfolk, A. (2020). Educational Psychology. (14th ed.). New York: Pearson.

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