
Class Introduction to Visual Culture

  • Presentation


    Introduction to the Visual Culture is an introductory approach to the regime of understanding images at large, as well as the world inder its conditition of a vision apparatus, all this in contemporary societies, whether under the model of literacy, whether under one of hermeneutics, semiotics or phenomenology of perception.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • I Visual Culture: contexts
    • 1. Visual Culture: what is it? culturalist definitions and visualist definitions.
    • 2. Vision, visuality and visibility: towards a literacy.
    • 3. The centrality of gazing in the Western modern experience.
    • 4. The post-modern statute of images: the simulacrum, the pastiche and the virtual.
    • 5. Methodologies in visual analysis the interdisciplinarity: the ¿good eye and the compositional reading; content analysis and assessment; semiology and decoding; psichoanalysis and interpretation.
    • II Visual Culture: concepts
    • 1. The ocular, the optic, the scopic: oculophilia and oculophobia
    • 2. Distraction and hiperattention: the urban culture and Georg Simmel blasé
    • 3. Aura, distance and exposure: Walter Benjamin viewing.
    • 4. The panopticon and the deviant surveillance: space and vision bound to powers will, according to Michel Foucault
    • 5. Technologies of looking: photography, cinema, and Siegfried Kracauer monogram and last image.
  • Objectives


    • Recognize the centrality of vision and images in the context of Western culture, mainly in the experience of modernity and contemporaneity.
    • Placing the debate on visuality as a cultural construction.
    • Proving the interdisciplinary context of Visual Culture; adapting its concepts on the socio cultural contextualization of images; recognize the main theoretical approaches underlying the constitution of images as human productions; analyse historical moments, objects and artefacts (ar chitectural ones) in which looking , gazing and showing are constitutive experiences.
  • References


    • ARNEIM, Rudolf O poder do centro : um estudo da composição nas artes visuais / Rudolf Arnheim ; trad. Maria Elisa Costa, Lisboa : Edições 70, 1990 ART/333-Bc
    • BAUDRILLARD, Jean (1991) Simulacros e Simulação; Lisboa: Relógio d¿Água Cota: CO/88-BC.
    • BENJAMIN, Walter (1992) Sobre arte, técnica, linguagem e política; Lisboa: Relógio d¿Água Cota: CO/205-BC
    • ELKINS, James (2003) Visual Studies: a skeptical introduction; New York, London: Routledge Cota: AV/534-BC
    • EVANS, Jessica, HALL, Stuart, ed. lit. (1999) Visual culture : the reader; London: Sage Publications Cota: AVF/97-BC
    • GIL, Isabel Capeloa (2011) Literacia Visual: estudos sobre a inquietude das imagens; Lisboa: Edições 70 Cota: AV/795-BC.
    • MIRZOEFF, Nicholas, ed. lit. (2002) The visual culture reader; London, New York: Routledge Cota: AV/488-BC.
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