
Class Training and Competition Organization and Planning

  • Presentation


    The dominant characteristic of UC is its global nature, integrating and synthesis of knowledge, processes
    and methods conducive to the highest performance, from training to high competition.
    Thus it is sought that the student:
    - Understand, fundand develop a systemic conception of the training and competition process, implying
    the widest set of integral elements.
    - Master and apply to the training and competition process the concepts of unity, complexity, totality and
    - Question and establish the relationships and interactions between the usual training and competition
    components, namely motor, technical-tactical and psycho-social skills.
    - Research, establish and schedule considering the permanent interaction between objectives,
    processes, methodologies and evaluation results.
    - Be able to plan individual and team development in the short, medium and long term from training to
    high competition.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Systemic conception of the training process.
    2. Characterization of specific effort in sports: motor skills, psychological requirements, contents technical
    and tactical and theoretical preparation.
    3. Fundamentals of the periodization of training and its application in sports: structural elements and their
    functions. Analysis of ways to gradually increase the training load over the years.
    4. Effects of training: types and means of control and evaluation.
    5. Study and comparative analysis of the organization and planning of training and competition in various
    stages of training of the atletes.
    6. Process and stages of individual and collective development.
    7. Technical team Direction and coordination.
    8. Management of multidisciplinary teams.
  • Objectives


    The main objectives of this UC are:
    (1) Mastery and critical analysis of the main models of organization and periodization of training -
    systemic conception;
    (2) identification of the determining factors for success in the field of organisation, planning and
    implementation of training;
    (3) Ability to organize, prescribe and evaluate training content, as well as an adequate intervention in the
    competition, in the stages of training of the athlete and in high performance;
    (4) Differentiate levels of planning from a conceptual, strategic and tactical scope;
    (5) Individual and collective development;
    (6) Integration and team leadership;
    (7) Organization and multidisciplinary teams leadership.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The following methodologies are operationalized:

    Use of the University’s IT platforms
    Observation and reporting of a training microcycle
    Interview with Reference trainer
    Guest speakers

  • References


    Bompa, T. O., & Buzzichelli, C. (2018). Periodization: theory and methodology of training . Human kinetics.
    Issurin, V. B. (2010). New horizons for the methodology and physiology of training periodization. Sports medicine , 40 (3), 189-206.
    Kiely, J. (2010). New horizons for the methodology and physiology of training periodization: block periodization: new horizon or a false dawn?. Sports medicine , 40 (9), 803-805.
    Raposo, A. (2017). Planeamento do Treino Desportivo ? Fundamentos, organização e operacionalização. Visão & Contextos. Lisboa.
    Walker, G., Hawkins, R. (2018). Structuring a Program in elite professional soccer; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 40 (3); 72-82
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