
Class Competition Analysis

  • Presentation


    The competition is the main reference of the whole process of sports development. Understanding, analyzing and criticizing from a broad and global perspective, from training to high performance, the interactions between processes and results, integrating them into the more general concept of human development will be the field of action of this UC.

    It will seek to reflect on competition as a sporting and sociocultural structuring fact today.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Meaning of competition as a socio-sporting and educational fact;
    2. Competition as a structuring reference of the organization and periodization of the training process;
    3. Competition in the sports system Portuguese;
    4. Competitive participation: criteria and consequences;
    5. The competition in the training process of the young sportsman - analysis of competitive staff. Main errors in the organization of competitions for young people;
    6. Competition and high yield - development factors. Analysis of major sporting events.

  • Objectives


    The seminar aims to develop the following skills in the students:
    a) a critical global perspective of the competitive phenomenon;
    b) Adequacy of organizational models to the characteristics of different stages of development of the sportsman and the modality;
    c) Performance analysis and conditioning factors;
    d) Mastery of concepts and values related to competition: victory and success.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    There are no known innovative methodologies capable of leading the student to become aware of their conceptions and limitations, as well as the need to overcome them.
  • References


    • Carvalho, A. Melo (2010) - Para um desporto verdadeiramente educativo, Gymnasium, ano 3 (1):11-33.

    • Grupo de Lisboa (2002) - Limites à Competição, Europa-América (3 edição).

    • Lima, T. (1981) - Alta Competição - Desporto de Dimensões Humanas?, Ed. Livros Horizonte, Lisboa.

    • Proença, J. (Org.) - (2005) - o Desporto, a Educação e os Valores - por uma ética nas actividades físicas e desportivas;  Ed. Lusófonas, Lisboa

    • Santos, J. A. (2011) - Acerca da Competição Desportiva; Gymnasium, ano 4 (3):11-25


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