
Class Citizenship and Human Rights

  • Presentation


      "Human rights have been, throughout the ages, a sign of appreciation of human dignity as a presupposition of manifestation and increment of the most elementary principles of citizenship. However, despite this effort, as history shows - including the most recent periods -, the human being has not always been the target of the concerns of other human beings "(Campos, F. 2019, p.15). It is from this perspective, which has just been cited, that the UC Citizenship and Human Rights is presented.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I-Citizens and Citizenship 1.1. Where do our rights come from? From the subject to the citizen. 1.2. The citizen and active behaviors. 1.3. Same or different citizens? II - Citizenship and Ethical Values 2.1. Immigration and citizenship 2.2. Human dignity 2.3.Tolerance and pluralism 2.4. Solidarity 2.5. The three principles of justice III - The Law, Duties and Institution 3.1. The Ethics of Human Rights 3.2. Law and Power in Democratic Societies: The Rule of Law and the Constitutional State 3.3.International society and human rights IV - The Challenges of Citizenship and Human Rights 4.1. Human Rights - definition (UN) 4.2. Human Rights History 4.3. Key Human Rights Instruments.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 4.4. Development, Human Rights and Security 4.5. Human rights and cosmopolitan citizenship 4.6. New meanings of justice and injustice 4.7. Human Rights and Peace 4.8. 21st Century and the new challenges to Human Rights.

  • Objectives


    Work on the contents related to Human Rights and Citizenship, seeking to understand the place and role of citizens in societies and, as respect, or disrespect for Human Rights can condition the integration of human beings in societies, having as its ultimate purpose, full respect for the individuality and dignity of the human being in the context of groups,  of countries, communities and societies. To make understand the importance of Human Rights in the field of Diplomacy and International Relations. Acquire skills of critical reflection, capable of diagnosing the type of violation of Fundamental Rights practiced by anti-democratic regimes, in the light of the UDHR and related documentation. Develop a multicultural awareness. Contribute to the need for each one to commit ethically and in solidarity with national and global citizenship.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    It is intended in this UC to make a presentation and debate of the themes contained in the Program of the discipline, being relevant the intervention of the master's. The evaluation is continuous and presupposes the elaboration of an individual written work, 15-20 pages on a theme of citizenship and human rights, submitted on the Moodle Platform, with presentation with mandatory presentation and debate in class, as well as the possibility of small works (exercises) in class on practical cases of human rights violations. The work, as an evaluation element, becomes important, since it allows the master's master to develop investigative skills, on the one hand and on the other, with the presentation of the work in class, not only shares the results of his research, but also contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.

  • References


    BALDÉ, Aua. O Sistema Africano de Direitos Humanos e a experiência dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora. 2017. BALTAZAR, Maria da Saudade; et al (Coords.). Desenvolvimento, Direitos Humanos e Segurança. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 2020. CAMPOS, Fernando. Na Senda dos Direitos Humanos. Breves Passos . Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. 2019. DECLARAÇÃO DE LISBOA . Os Direitos Humanos e os desafios do século XXI . Globalizar a dignidade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.2016 GARCIA, MARIA da GLÓRIA. Como defender hoje a Dignidade Humana . Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.2016 GOULÃO, João . O futuro dos Direitos Humanos. Lisboa: Nova Vega.2015 HOSTMAELINGEN, N. Direitos Humanos num relance. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, Lda.2016. MIRANDA, Jorge. Cidadania. Sempre. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora. 2022. WELLS, H.G. (2020). Os Direitos do Homem. Silveira: Letras Errantes, Lda.

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