
Class Penal Law

  • Presentation


    This course aims to deepen some themes of criminal dogmatics, such as guilt and co-participation. Indeed, these themes and the others included in the program are essential here to criminal law in the strict sense

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I- Introduction

    1. Understanding Criminal Law

    1.1.Criminal Law's "Legal goods" opposed to other concepts.

    1.2. Analysis of the issue considering some Penal Code rules.

    II-Revisiting some issues concerning the criminal offences theory.

    1. Introductory observations.

    2. The Special Part of Penal Code: some of its rules ant its compatibility with the principle of guilt.

    3. Article 18 and the crimes aggravated by the result.

    4.-Possible concepts for responsibility
    III.-The successive law amendments effects on Penal Code system. 

  • Objectives


    After a 1st Cycle Studies of Law, the student will now be able to deepen perspectives of Criminal Law other than the Portuguese legal system vision. Therefore, the aim is : to deepen knowledge about some criminal rules, namely its compatibility with the principle of guilt; revisiting some important rules of Penal Code as for the aggravation by result and the concept of responsibility, from the doctrine and the Penal Code itself; and promote the understanding of law amendment effects on Penal Code. Enable students to learn skills seeking their critical and analytical thinking about issues raised by exploring these CU contents.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Open classes via zoom, given by professionals in the forum
    Development of small works on the Moodle platform

  • References


    COSTA, José de Faria. (2017), Direito Penal, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda

    JAKOBS, Günther, Derecho Penal, Parte General

    MONIZ, Helena. (2009). Agravação pelo resultado, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

    NEVES, João Curado, (2008) A problemática da culpa nos crimes passionais, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

    ROXIN, Claus et allii (2016), reimpr., Sobre el estado dela teoría del delito, Navarra: Cuadernos Civitas

    VARELA, João Athayde. (2015), Os limites da punibilidade em sede de autoria

    VILELA, Alexandra. (2015). «Revisitando o n.º 1 do artigo 206.º do Código Penal: a extinção da responsabilidade criminal e a (não) necessidade de pena», in JULGAR Online

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