
Class Criminal Market Law and Cybersecurity

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit has as main objectives the development of intermediate studies of the crimes agains market and cybersecurity.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Criminal Market Law.1.1.The. The connection points between criminal law and the market: framing, characterizationand delimitation of the criminal law of the market. 1.2.Criminal market law and economic criminal law..1.3.Table ofdogmatic specificities of anti-market criminal conduct.1.4.The supra-individuality of the legal good in crimes againstthe market.1.5.The relevance (and problems) of criminal liability of legal persons in crimes against the market.2.CrimesAgainst the Market.2.1.The. Corruption crimes in international trade and private activity.2.2.Economic crimes againstthe market.2.3.Crimes against the securities market.2.4.Crimes against industrial property.2.5.Moneylaundering.3.Cybersecurity and the Market.3.1.Introduction to cybersecurity.3.2.Cybersecurity andmarket.3.3.Cybercrime and the market.

  • Objectives


    The course has as main objectives the development of intermediate studies of the crimes agains market and cybersecurity and to introduce you to students in scientific research in these areas of legal knowledge. Because thelaw is a practical knowledge, the research skills to be acquired will also have a high level of professionalization. Theevaluation records to be asked by the Students will imply critical evaluations of doctrinal and jurisprudential positionson the chosen themes and will allow to develop the skills necessary for the future elaboration of the master'sdissertation.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The curricular unit is taught on a seminar basis, so the evaluation is based on the participation of Students in theseminar work in continuous assessment. This participation includes the presentation and discussion of their ownwritten work, prepared through individual tutoring. The final evaluation grade will be the classification of the seminarwork, taking into account the participation of all students throughout the semester's classes.

  • References


    Rodrigues, Anabela Miranda(2020). Direito Penal Económico. Uma Política Criminal na Era Compliance.Almedina.
    Antunes,Mário/Rodrigues, Baltazar (2018). Introdução à Cibersegurança, A Internet, os Aspetos Legais e a AnáliseDigital Forense. FCA.
    Costa, José de Faria Costa (2017).Direito Penal. Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.(2010) Direito Penal eGLobalização, Reflexões não Locais e Pouco Globais, Coimbra Editora.(2003).O direito penal e a tutela dos direitos dapropriedade industrial e da concorrência (Algumas observações a partir da concorrência desleal). Separata de Direitoindustrial, Vol. 3, Almedina.(2001).O fenómeno da globalização e o direito penal económico?.Estudos em Homenagemao Prof. Doutor Rogério Soares. Coimbra Editora,pp. 531 e ss.
    Loureiro, Flávia Noversa (2017).Direito Penal da Concorrência.Almedina.
    Clough, Jonathan (2015).Principles of Cybercrime.Cambridge University Press.
    Venâncio, Pedro Dias (2011). Lei do Cibercrime, Anotada e comentada. Coimbra Editora.

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