
Class Space, place and perception: Criticism and Construction I

  • Presentation


    This UC intends to fund the development of a project in continued practice, including criticism and construction sessions, on a weekly basis and an artistic residency at a partner institution.


    In the space of the weekly sessions, it is intended to confront and debate several works - without pre-determined chronological guidelines -, allowing a broad discussion on photographic practice, political organization, collective and individual expression, as well as creative impulse.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    In the space of the weekly sessions, major thematic fields can be mentioned that delineate confrontation platforms.

    The Advent of the Age of Light, Einstein, Futurism/Moholy Nagy and Cinema. Industry and repetition.
    Psychoanalysis and Photography, Freud and surrealism, photography as an unconscious inscription: Walter Benjamin and the “Optical Unconscious”.
    Conceptual Art, Performance, and Land Art: Photography – a tool.
    Documentary Drift.
    Humor as expression and form. For a photographic practice of the useless.
    Archive and context: Production and reception.
    The Great Photography Exhibitions, for a history of presentation/representation.
    In a residential environment, the following thematic fields will be the subject of presentation, discussion and development of photographic work:

  • Objectives


    Understand the main creative issues that guide creation with or from the notion of photography. Experiencing and analyzing different artistic works - with different historical and nominal contexts -, rehearsing connections with the field of photographic expression, comparing texts, visual and cinematographic works from different fields. Finding a broad field of work that enables the conceptual construction and creation of visual works contaminated by the experience of producing work in situ, integrating the limits of sensitive experience, chance, error and the various constraints that come from practice in the context of residence.

    Develop visual work (creation of a graphic diary or visual map) in the field of photographic expression, which derives freely from the texts and works covered.

    Develop own vocabulary of artistic practice and photographic expression in an immersive environment (residence), enhancing students' intrinsic abilities.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The curricular unit has a theoretical-practical character, including artistic immersion residency accompanied by a tutor of relevance in the artistic environment. The relationship between the tutor and the students will provide a flow of ideas and processes that will inform each one's work. The aim is to dilute learning phenomena through expository methods, in a dynamic process based on experience and knowledge exchange.

  • References


    BERGSON, Henri. The Endurance of Life. In: Pearson e Mullarkey (eds.) Henri

    Bergson: Key Writtings. London: Continuum, 2002.


    BOIS, Y. e KRAUSS, Rosalin. A User's Guide to Entropy. October, Vol. 78, pp.38-88, 1996.


    DE MARIA, Walter. Compositions, Essays, Meaningless Work, Natural Disasters.


    DIDI-Huberman, Georges. Diante do Tempo. História da Arte e Anacronismo das Imagens. Orfeu Negro, 2017.


    LEACH, Neil (ed.) Rethinking Architecture: A reader in cultural theory. Leach Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005.


    LUNN, Felicity; MUNDER, Heike (2005). When Humour becomes painful; Jrp RINGIER ed; Zurich, 2006; ISBN 3905701049

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