
Class Behaviour and Organizational Change

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit aims to enhance the understanding of how individuals and groups function within organizations, particularly in relation to managing organizational change in its different aspects and corresponding impacts: at the individual, group, and organizational levels.

    The objective is to equip students with information that enables them to identify key concepts and theories that elucidate how individuals and groups participate, respond, and interact with others in organizations, and the resulting outcomes. Furthermore, the unit aims to foster the acquisition of diagnostic methodologies and intervention strategies applicable to organizational systems and subsystems, facilitating their application in processes and facilitating organizational change.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Approaches to diagnosis and organizational intervention:

    CP1. The individual, group, and organizational dimension: Two ways: top-down and bottom-up, Theory of organizations and organizational behavior, Change management;

    CP2. Diagnosis and organizational change: Models, phases, and resistance to change, Organizational diagnostic models, Methods used in diagnosis, Ethical principles;

    CP3. Organizational change: Planned and emerging change, The phases of change, Change project management, Development of reports and proposals;

    Levels of analysis and dynamics of organizational behavior:

    CP4. Individual level: Diversity and individual differences, Emotions, well-being and stress at work, Motivation at work, Organizational bonding processes, Person-organization fit;

    CP5. Group level: Groups and teams, Teamwork, Individual and group decision-making, Leadership;

    CP6. Organizational factors: Social influence and power, Climate, and culture.

  • Objectives


    LO1. Acquire knowledge and apply various models and methodologies of organizational diagnosis;

    LO2. Define and implement diverse organizational intervention strategies;

    LO3. Design and present a comprehensive organizational change project;

    LO4. Acknowledge the complexity of factors influencing organizational behavior;

    LO5. Identify individual characteristics that impact work and performance;

    LO6. Explain the motivational processes within an organizational context;

    LO7. Characterize and comprehend the unique dynamics of group work processes and their outcomes;

    LO8. Describe how organizational factors influence individual behavior within organizations.

    By the end of this unit, students will have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively diagnose organizational issues, implement appropriate interventions, and successfully manage organizational change.

    Note. LO = learning outcomes

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teaching-learning process of this UC contemplates the adoption of active methodologies focused on the creation of opportunities for reflection, collective debate, and co-responsibility of students for the systematization and deepening of the programmatic contents, namely, through the dynamization of the classes by the working groups (e.g., brief presentations, at the beginning of each class, on the contents treated in the previous class).

  • References


    Anderson, D. (2019). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change (5th Edition). Sage.

    Bold, E. O. (2011). Instruments and techniques used in the design and implementation of change management. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 2(3), 5-13.

    Cawsey, T., Deszca, G., Ingols, C. (2015). Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit. Sage.

    Cunha, M. P., Rego, A., Cunha, R. C.& Cabral-Cardoso, C., Neves, P. (2016). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. RH Editora.

    Ferreira, A. I., & Martinez, L.F. (2008). Manual de Diagnóstico e Mudança Organizacional. RH Editora.

    Neck, C. P., Houghton, J. D. & Murray, E. L. (2016) Organizational behavior: a critical-thinking approach. Sage.

    Neves, J. Caetano, A., & Ferreira, J. M. C. (2020). Psicossociologia das Organizações: Fundamentos e Aplicações. Edições Silabo

    Robbins, S. & Judge T. (2018). Organizational Behavior. Pearson Education.


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