
Class Teaching and Assessment Process Analysis in Physical Education

  • Presentation


    The main theme of the UC is the specificity of EF and DE in the education system, considering two meanings of this system: the social organization of formal education; the relations of teachers and students in learning activities.
    The central concept that integrates the themes, objectives and plan of AEPA is that of education as "personal and social development through active learning of valuable attitudes and knowledge, practicing culturally meaningful activities".
    The global focus of this UC is to identify common educational and pedagogical problems, and to study generic solutions to such problems. Concepts and relationships of coherence are explored, articulating the variety of topics addressed by students, having as reference and field of study the 2nd year internship process.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Tradition and innovation in schools and systemic trends. School success and its relationship with the contents, means and processes of teaching and evaluation. Teacher's responsibilities and the importance of teacher training.

    Fair and effective teaching: concepts, assumptions and implications. Disciplines and interdisciplinarity. Differentiation of teaching. The collaborative project work. Levels of pedagogical objectives. School year critical moments.

    Models of teaching analysis and evaluation. Inductive and deductive observation processes. Objectives, evaluation functions and the organization of units, stages, years and cycles. Learning and group processes. Roles and actions of the teacher and students.

    The four areas of activity of the internship: teaching, class direction, school sports and seminars. Objectives and evaluation criteria. The practicum general plan, the school team plans, and the  documents: projects, plans, and final report.

  • Objectives


    To use research references on the effectiveness of schools and teachers, when reviewing personal experiences and expectations, and when arguing factors and trends in the development of the education system and the area of Physical Education and School Sport.

    To argue the guidelines and models on teaching and evaluation, in the analysis of the areas of responsibility of teachers and pedagogical teams: teaching in PE, class direction and class council, school sport, the study and discussion of issues relevant to the school.

    Anticipate the responsibilities and requirements of the internship process, relating the objectives and evaluation criteria, the steps and deadlines of the general plan, the individual and collaborative tasks in the four areas, to identify success factors, personal aptitudes and difficulties.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The D.E.E.P. learning model is applied. (Bom, 1988, 1996, 2018), with four sequentially organized processes (phases) having as reference study skills characteristic of the teaching profession, which are: Discussion, Evidence, Essay, Project.

    At all stages, students engage in a reciprocal formative evaluation process, in pairs and groups, of their argumentative performances, whether written (essays, reports) or oral (discussions, presentations).

  • References


    Arends, R. I. (2008). Aprender a Ensinar. Lisboa: Mcgraw-Hill.

    Bom, L. & Brás, J. (2003). Estágio para dar aulas ou para ser professor? Horizonte, Revista de Educação Física e Desporto, 18(108), 15-26

    Carreiro da Costa, F., Carvalho, L., Onofre, M., & Diniz, J. A. (1992). As Representações de Sucesso e Insucesso Profissional em Professores de Educação Física. Boletim Da Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação Física, (4), 11-30.

    Crahay, M. (2013). Como a escola pode ser mais justa e mais eficaz? Cadernos Cenpec | Nova série, 3(1), 9-40.

    Heacox, D. (2006). Diferenciação curricular na sala de aula. Porto: Porto Editora.

    Reis, P. (2011). Observação de aulas e avaliação do desempenho docente. Lisboa: M.E., cadernos CCAP.

    Silva, H. S., & Lopes, J. P. (2015). O professor faz a diferença no desempenho escolar dos seus alunos. O que nos diz a invesação educativa. Revista Eletrónica de Educação e Psicologia, (2), 62-81.

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