
Class Psychology of Education

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit focuses on the conceptual and empirical foundations of Educational Psychology, as well as on its potential applications, with particular emphasis on the psychological processes involved in education and learning throughout the life cycle and in the multiple life contexts. The breadth and transdisciplinarity of educational issues allow the articulation of knowledge in this domain with the knowledge from different areas and models of action in Psychology, providing the combination and transfer of knowledge between related curricular units. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The syllabus is scaffolded in the following main contents:

    I. Introduction to Psychology of Education

    1.1 Statute

    1.2. Central themes in Education Psychology

    1.3. Precursors

    1.3. Education and the Future


    II- Learning: conceptual framework and theories

    2.1 What learning is. What is Teaching

    2.2 The paradigms: Associationist/ Behavioralist and Gestaltista/Cognitivistas

          - Skinner and the behavioral paradigm

          - Bandura and the cognitive-social model of learning by observation

          - Bruner, Ausubel and the cognitive approaches

          - The theory of Information Processing


    III- Identity and Diversity

    3.1 Equal to all, equal to some, different from all

    3.2 Erikson and the construction of identity throughout the life cycle.


    IV- Group, reality and dynamics

    4.1 Classroom management

    4.2 Personal construction and values. The development of moral conscience. Education and citizenship

  • Objectives


    The main learning outcomes of the curricular unit are: to acquire a comprehensive overview of the educational psychology field and to understand the specific nature of its epistemological status (LO1); to be acquainted with the main issues and applied contexts of Educational Psychology (LO2); to develop expertise to the analysis and comprehension of learning processes in different educational settings (LO3). The present course also aims to promote: the critical thinking and analysis of the scientific literature (LO4), the ability to autonomously search for and understand scientific knowledge (LO5), and the skills for transfer theoretical knowledge to the conceptualization of educational issues in broader Psychology domains (LO6).

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The learning process is student-centered. To this end, the student receives  texts of mandatory and previous reading that prepare him for participation and discussion. Eventually, students are invited to be the presenters of the professional theme themselves.

  • References


    Arends, R. (1995). Aprender a ensinar. Lisboa: Mac Grow Hill.

    Boruchovitch, E. & Bzuneck, J. A. (2004). Aprendizagem: processos psicológicos e o contexto social na escola. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes

    Bruner, J.S. (1960). O Processo da Educação. S. Paulo: Comp. Editora Nacional.

    Coll, C., Marchesi, A. , Palácios, J. & cols.(2004) Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação. (Vol. 3). Porto Alegre: Artmed.

    Giordan, A. (2007). Aprender. Lisboa: Inst. Piaget.    

    Lourenço, O.M. (2003). Psicologia do desenvolvimento Moral. Coimbra: Liv. Almedina.

    Sprinthall, N. A. & Sprinthall, R.C.(1993). Psicologia Educacional. Lisboa: McGraw Hill.

    Teodoro, A. & Vasconcelos, M.L. (2012). Ensinar e Aprender no Ensino Superior. Por uma epistimologia da curiosidade na formação universitária. S. Paulo: Cortez Editora.

    Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.

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