
Class Philosophy of Physical Activities

  • Presentation


    Philosophy plays a structuring role in the formation of the student's emancipatory thinking, given that human motricity is not merely the individual's psychophysiology, but the concentrated expression of an itinerary where the human being is a whole. University education cannot be reduced to a merely instrumental logic: its constructive concern is to develop in the future professional a critical thinking in relation to the existing academic and professional reality. University training cannot be confused with technical-professional training. It is worrying that future professionals are not prepared to combat the serious problem of professional proletarianisation. The great vocation of university education is to counteract the forces that tend to convert professionals into workers, into mere executors. Without critical thinking, university education cannot be justified. This course helps students considerably to problematise and reflect on their academic and professional field.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1) The Philosophy of Physical Activities: What is philosophy: Different perspectives

    2) The Problem of Knowledge: What it means to know.

    3) The body as a philosophical problem of Physical Education.

    4) Aesthetics and their importance in postmodernity.

    4.1 Aesthetics as a value in Physical Education.

    5) An ethical vision in the Philosophy of Sport.

    5.1 The Ethics of Sport.


  • Objectives


    Understand the reach of philosophy for the interpretation of Physical Education and Sport.

    Understand the importance of ethics and aesthetics in the development of knowledge and the exercise of a professional activity.

    Acquire historical knowledge and develop a critical attitude towards the theoretical models of understanding social reality

    Be able to discuss as a group the problems of a specialty

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This course is based on a theoretical and practical model, integrating moments of class (structured presentation of theoretical content by the teacher) and presentation of the Working Groups (students) in a critical sense. It is intended to question and debate on the basic ideas of philosophy and its epistemological concepts applied to cases and characters of sport, welfare and physical health.The final mark results from 1 written individual test (60%), 1 group work (25% for the thematic presentation and its defense) and SWOT Analysis (individual sheets of appreciation of the Working Groups, worth 15%). Without requirements of scientific research and advanced research no work can exceed 13 vls. Students must obtain a minimum classification of 7.5 marks in the theoretical component (Test). Only then can an average be made with the practical component (Group work and SWOT analysis) to pass the course. Students who do not pass will have access to the final written exam (100%)

  • References


    AGAMBEN, G. (2009). O que é o Contemporâneo? Chapecó: SC. Argos.

    ARENDT, H. (2001). A Condição Humana . Lisboa: Relógio d?Água.

    BAUMAN, Z. (2007). A Vida Fragmentada. Ensaios sobre a Moral Pós-Moderna. Lisboa: Relógio d?Água.

    FEYERABEND, P. (1991). Adeus à Razão . Lisboa: Edições 70.

    HEIDEGGER, M. (1998). Carta sobre o Humanismo. Lisboa: Guimarães Editores.

    JONAS, H. (2006) O Princípio Responsabilidade: Ensaio de uma Ética para a civilização tecnológica . Rio Janeiro: Contraponto / PUC-RIO.

    MORIN, E. e PRIGOGINE, I. (1998). A Sociedade em Busca de Valores . Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

    POPPER, K. (1987) Sociedade Aberta, Universo Aberto . Lisboa: Dom Quixote.

    PETERSON, J.B. (2019) - Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. HardBack, USA .

    PETERSON, J.B. (2018) - Maps of Meaning, Paperback, Taylor & Francis, UK,

    SCHWANITZ, D. (2012) Cultura -Tudo o que é preciso saber. Lisboa: Dom Quixote

    VATTIMO, G. (1987) O fim da modernidade. Niilismo e hermenêutica na cultura pós-moderna 

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente 


    Horário de atendimento

    Após a aula da turma (e sempre que conveniente por marcação prévia) 



    Espaço Professor




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