
Class History of Art and Visual Culture II

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit is the first of five units dedicated to the study of art and
    visual culture over time that are part of the degree in Visual Arts. In this uc we
    focus on art from Renaissance to Baroque.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1 – Art and Humanism. Renaissance
    1.1. Anthropocentrism, classicism, Reform.
    2.2. The Portuguese case: the Manueline period and the reign of D. João III.

    2- The Baroque and the arts. The context Portuguese and decorative arts.

  • Objectives


    • Ensure knowledge of the basic terminology of the History of Art and
    recognition of the chronology and context of production of works of art from the
    different historical periods covered.
    • Foster a diverse and solid visual culture.
    • Promote the approximation between contemporary artistic practices and the
    history and culture of art, which can contribute to the students' individual artistic

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Interactive classes, based on a dynamic group relationship. The projection of images of works of art from the artistic periods under study, with a focus on the
    Portuguese case, the reading of texts and the viewing of short films, will be the starting point for joint analysis and debate. In order to enhance the dialogue, the
    various themes are presented in advance.
    Continuous evaluation will be based on three elements: an assignment to be delivered at the end of the semester (40%),  small
    assignments that will be requested and presented in class (20%) and a written exam (40%). I

  • References


    ARGAN, Giulio Carlo - Arte e crítica de arte. Lisboa: Editoral Estampa, 1993.
    ARGAN, Giulio Carlo - Arte moderna: do Iluminismo aos movimentos contemporâneos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. 1998.
    GOMBRICH, Ernst - A História da Arte. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2009.
    HARRIS, Jonathan -  Art History: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge. 2006.
    JANSON, A. F. & JANSON, H. W. (ed.) -  A Nova História da Arte de Janson: a tradição ocidental. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2010.
    PEREIRA, Paulo - Arte portuguesa. História essencial. Lisboa: Temas & Debates, 2014.


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