
Professor of International Relations in Montreal

Sabrina Medeiros Participated in the Assembly of Activities of the Congress of the Association of International Studies

27.03.23 - 09h56

Sabrina Medeiros, professor of the Degree in Political Science and International Relations , were at the Congress of the Association of International Studies (ISA), which took place in Montreal between 13 and 17 March 2023. His participation took place at a round table on professional military education, as a speaker in a panel of insecurity in Latin America and with the presentation of an article in the shipping phase of the classification of non -traditional military missions and their humanitarian character.

The most remarkable event of the conference was Wargaming Workshop, which included researchers at Stanford University, Berkeley U., St. Andrews U., Mit, Brunel U., Kings College London, Rand Institute and Oklahoma U. (Prof. John Emery as leader), among others. The workshop was promising and formed a collaborative network led by a list of MIT through Prof. Erik Lin-Greenberg, who invited her to present her work at the newly opened Wargaming Center.

Sabrina Medeiros also presented the method and Ajapt software developed in partnership with researchers Cintiene Mendes (Brasilian Defense College) and Ana Luiza Paiva (command and employee of the Brazilian Army). During the same week, AJAPT was also presented at the Endosa Conference by CCICE EU publications as a way to promote semantic interoperability. At Lusófona University, Professor Sabrina coordinates gamification in international relations through GIRI-Hub - LAB.


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