
Class Technical English

  • Presentation


    The main goal of this is to provide students with the key elements to apply the English language as a privileged vehicle of communication in the areas of knowledge that are interconnected within the scope of the circular economy. Illustrative areas are management, economics, finance; the exact sciences (physics, chemistry); and technological areas such as environment and biotechnology, among others

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    1-Basic aspects of technical and scientific writing. Informative texts and formative texts

    2-The reason for the preferential use of English in science and technology.

    3- Research platforms (e.g. b-on, Scopus).

    4. Structure of reports, technical and scientific texts; presentation structure

    5. Use of illustrative elements of technical and scientific arguments or empirical demonstration;

    6. Insertion of graphs, charts and other illustrative elements and the standardization of the respective titles, sources of information and graphics;

    7. Norms for bibliographic referencing, citation and annotation

    8. Use of specific software for organizing and managing bibliographies and producing technical and scientific texts

    (e.g. Biblioscape, End Note, Mendeley)

  • Objectives


    The student will know and memorize basic concepts, such as technical vocabulary and terminology specific to these areas, basic and intermediate grammatical structures of the English language, report structure, technical and scientific texts and methodologies for their writing and literature search platforms. The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to interpret and create technical and scientific texts as well as oral communications. Overall, the course will contribute to strengthening the ability to analyze and criticize content, combine, organize information and create new content

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical-practical sessions, where the basic concepts are presented and implemented, case studies are presented and discussed and which will include seminars presented by guest lecturers. Students will be encouraged to use technological resources for learning, taking advantage of online materials on topics previously covered in class, as well as attending selected webinars. The purpose is to generate debates, present points of view and optimize class time.

    Continuous assessment:  2 reports on 2 case studies and an oral presentation on a topic within the scope of the course. Each report corresponds to 40% of the final grade and the oral presentation corresponds to 20% of the final grade, in any case on a scale of 0 to 20. Average of 10 values for approval in the course. If the student fails approval by continuous assessment, the student can take a final exam at the time of appeal, according to the assessment regulation in force, with a minimum score of 10 values for approval

  • References


    • Apresentações na forma de powerpoint disponibilizadas pelo docente. Artigos cienti¿ficos e patentes relacionados com os conteu¿dos abordados/ Powerpoint presentations provided by the teacher.

      Scientific articles and patents related to the covered contents
    • Lindemann, K. (2018). Composing Research, Communicating Results: Writing the Communication Research Paper. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    • Hofmann, A. (2016). Scientific Writing and Communication. Papers, Proposals, and Presentations (3rd Edition). Oxford: University Press


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