
Class Communication and Information Law

  • Presentation


    This class seeks to give students basic notions in Law, which will then enable them, technically and scientifically, to perform their duties related to communication and journalism, as well as prepare them to cover high-profile judicial news stories.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Human Rights and Fundamental Constitutional rights.

    International law. Portuguese Republic Constitution. Judicial organization and other political powers.

    Fundamental Rights in the Constitution

    -Protection regimes

    -When fundamental rights collide

    -Freedom of speech and freedom of the press

    Moral and the Law.

    Communication Laws

    -Freedom of Press

    -The rights of journalists

    -Freedom of enterprise and the assurances of independence and pluralism in mass media

    -The limits to the freedom of press

    Regulating mass media

    -Regulation on digital and global scales

    Justice and mass media

    -Media's interest on judicial matters

    -Reporting on court cases

  • Objectives


    The skills acquired are fundamental to practice journalism. They will become acquainted with the boundaries and guidelines of communication, and better prepared to interpret the Law. Students will also be made aware of how Portugal's political system works, and the most important pieces of legislation relevant to their future professions. Students will also be prepared to talk about court procedures.

  • References


    BETHENCOURT, Francisco (2023) Direitos Humanos. Ensaios da Fundação FMS.

    CARVALHO,A.Arons;CARDOSO,A.Monteiro/FIGUEIREDO, J.P.(2012) Direito da Comunicação Social, 3.ª Edição, Texto Editores: Alfragide

    CASTRO, RAQUEL ALEXANDRA (2013) ¿A Regulação da Comunicação Social numa Democracia Segura¿, in ¿Segurança Pública e Privada¿, 1.º Congresso Internacional de Segurança Pública e Privada, Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa e CJLP, Coimbra Editora: Coimbra

    MACHADO, Jónatas; BRITO, I.Rodrigues (2013), Curso de Direito da Comunicação Social, Wolters Kluver Portugal, Lisboa

    PINA, Sara (2009) Media e Leis Penais. Almedina: Coimbra

    PINA, Sara (2007)¿Jornalismo, Liberdade e Responsabilidade¿, in Ética e Responsabilidade Social dos Jornalistas, Org. Paulo Faustino, FormalPress: Lisboa.

    PINA, Sara (2005) "Media e democracia/ O papel político dos mass media nas democracias actuais", in "Revista do Ministério Público", nº 102, Abril/Junho 2005.

    WARBURTON, N. (2015). Liberdade de Expressão. Lisboa: Gradiva.

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