
Class Image Analysis Methods

  • Presentation


    The current overexposure to images does not always allow us to take a closer look at their cultural and media-constructed dimension, often giving way to a perception that naturalizes images and their communication strategies. This curricular unit focuses on the different “framings” to which images are subject, considering their importance for visual reception, particularly for acts of interpretation.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Image and representation

    1.1. The image as a sign;

    1.2. The constitution of the sign in F. Saussure and C.S. Peirce;

    1.3. The icon, the index and the symbol;

    2. Visual interpretation

    2.1. Denotation versus connotation;

    2.2. Visual codes and «revolutions of the gaze»: milestones in the history of visual arts;

    2.3. Formal elements and technical knowledge; iconography and iconology, according to E. Panofsky;

    2.4. The rhetoric of images.

    3. Image and Culture

    3.1       Image and vision in Western culture;

    3.2. Image, technique and new challenges. ;

    3.3. The belief in the photographic: «photography and truth» versus the synthetic image created by «artificial intelligence».

  • Objectives


    Understanding of the main programs around which modern visuality gravitates. Acquisition of skills to understand the mediality in which the current functioning of images is embedded. Knowledge of visual interpretation mechanisms and rhetorical programming of images, particularly painting, photojournalism and advertising.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In addition to the broad use of the capabilities of the Moodle platform, practical exercises are conducted collectives to reinforce learning. Critical and formative use of machine generative learning tools, such as ChatGPT, and knowledge is introduced to master generative artificial intelligence platforms in the field of images.


  • References


    BARTHES, Roland (1984), «Retórica da imagem» em O óbvio e o obtuso. Lisboa: Edições 70

    FISKE, John (1993). Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação. Porto: Edições ASA

    GERVEREAU, Laurent (2007). Ver, compreender, analisar as imagens. Lisboa: Edições 70

    JOLY, Martine (1999). Introdução à análise de imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70

    JOLY, Martine (2003). A imagem e a sua interpretação. Lisboa: Edições 70

    JOLY, Martine (2005). A imagem e os signos. Lisboa: Edições 70

    PANOFSKY, Erwin (1989). O Significado nas Artes Visuais. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.

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